August Biohacking Q&A

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.

I'll answer some of the August Biohacking and lifehacking questions in the Q&A podcast below. Sorry, I've been out of touch lately! I'm about to unveil a new project that has been consuming me and I've been publishing content on which I can't on YouTube.

Listen to this on the go here


What you find on this website is NOT medical advice. I'm not a doctor. I'm just an experienced unlicensed self-experimenter practicing free speech in talking about my own extensive experiences and my interpretations of published science. Please see my guide on How to Biohack Smart and Safe. You should consult a doctor about any biohacking you're doing and ideally also get a second opinion.

#15 Questions


I’m currently studying for a licensing exam and I’m finding that my memory is failing me. There is so much content, it’s crazy.
Anyhow, I was thinking of starting some Bacopa. I watched your video about it online. I was also thinking about Vinpocetine or Rhodiola. I can’t decipher which product is best – there is so much info out there that I don’t know what to do.
What do you recommend specifically for memory when trying to assimilate a lot of scientific material?




Read: The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains and implement the Working Memory Rehab Protocol

The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains
Category: Book


Thanks man, you're smart couse u know hormones and feelings make you. much love and do something with this knowledge bro ^3. oh, whats in your opinion the best way beside all these supplements you can do to have more energy and focus (I already do nofap and keto diet) and do you know something that helps to cure depressions? thanks:)



Don't sit. Get a standing desk

10-20 minute mindfulness break in the mid-afternoon

Supplementing Nicotine


Was it necessary to include vivid imagery of someone mixing up a shot of dope? I'm pretty into phenibut, and I haven't touched heroin in a long time, but that imagery made my mind go places where it hasn't been for a long time. (Just genuine constructive criticism)



Be VERY careful using Phenibut. Use Anxiolytic Nootropics

Watch the #Lifehacking Self Control documentary


Thanks for these posts. I'm having trouble to find a reliable source for modafinil or oxiracetam in Europe. Could you advise some source dispatch from Europe?


Recommendations for Modafinil

Intellimeds for Oxiracetam 

Category: Vendors


Haven't seen a good video on the responsible use of vasopressin (if such a thing exists) what are your thoughts, and maybe thoughts on ias's pitch of vasopressin as a potential memory enhancer?


Old school method that's served me well in organizing thought, and pushing myself into areas of mild discomfort, but incremental improvement. Study journal: Had one since the age of 18. Slowly evolved to incorporate mindmap note taking technique, and timed mind dump essay writing with timed revision later on. What's your take of the ideas of a study journaling, and mind mapping in sharpening ones working memory? Feels like "cognitive HIIT" lol


That’s interesting! A social media platform for smart people? Hmmm... I’d love to participate in this exciting new opportunity however I doubt that I possess a sufficient level of intelligence needed avail myself of this endeavor... Sadly, my primitive intellect would be inadequate to allow me to join a community built around people who are knowledgeable and sapient. Perhaps one day, with enough biohacking I too can elevate my cognitive abilities and take my rightful place in the minds dot com social network! One can only hope.. lol get the joke?


My video: is a social network for smart people!

Connect with me on

Skin in the Game biohacking consulting/coaching

As mentioned in the podcast, this is a very lean biohacking consulting/life coaching program. Here's how this would work...

  • The Biohacking Consultation is 1 hour and 45 minutes total - which is actually two consulting calls.
  • First Call 1 hour - Discovery & Strategizing call, I need to ask you some questions, we'll discuss your history and outline a biohacking strategy and action plan to overcome your issues.
  • Second Call 45 minutes - Follow-up call in 30 - 90 days to see how you're doing with the plan we outlined; how you've improved, what you're struggling with, etc

 There are a few important reasons we split the time up into two calls

  • It's a significant motivation hack for you to follow through on the biohacking habits and plan we'll outline because you're accountable to me in 30 - 90 days.
  • I'm incentivized to come up with an effective biohacking strategy for you because I have to talk to you after you've been following it for a month or two.
  • It timeboxes us with a deadline in 30 - 90 days for you to make improvements and accomplish your goals.

Your Skin in the game here is that you're paying good money for this and you're accountable to me on another call in 30 or 60 days. You'll have to explain your lack of action if you fail to follow through.

PLEASE fill out this form

Apply for Biohacking Consultation

Take a few minutes to answer a few questions, if your issues are far outside my areas of expertise I'll decline the consultation. My time is finite and very valuable so I only want to spend it consulting the people I can really help. Thanks in advance for your understanding!


Join the Limitless Mindset Substack to...

Get frequent free edifying content about Biohacking, Lifehacking, and my holistic pragmatic antifragility philosophy. This informative (and often entertaining!) Substack is about how to take advantage of the latest anti-aging and Biohacking science and where I dispense timely mindset nuggets, lifehacking tips, and my own musings.

Watch this recent video...

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As you may have noticed this website contains affiliate links to products, supplements, and software programs. The small commissions we receive from sales of these products allow us to commit the time necessary to thoroughly researching which products are credible and will give you the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to upgrading your mind.

We have a strict philosophy of only endorsing or recommending products that we've found really work to help you upgrade your mind.

Thank you, sincerely, for your support!

Review or Affiliate Inquiries

We're eager to hear about new biohacking products, technologies, and quality supplements. I do review, write, and vlog about products that I think are worth the consideration of the 15,000 - 20,000 savvy health consumers that visit my site monthly and my 2000 newsletter subscribers.

I have some standards and specific things that I look for in the products I'd like to use myself and might recommend here on Please submit this form with a little more information about your offering.

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  • The content on this website is for entertainment purposes.
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Website by Roseland Digital