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Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

Recently, I've trialed some different time-tracking apps and Toggl has really impressed me!

  • It has intuitive, sharply-designed apps for smartphones, PC, and Mac.
  • It takes just a click to start time tracking or you can take advantage of its automatic tracking features.
  • It makes it super easy to break my working day up into 90-minute blocks - for me, this is about the amount of time I can spend working on a project before getting bored.
  • It does a pretty great job of detecting when I'm not working on the computer. Sometimes I'm interrupted while working - have to run an errand or whatever - and I don't want to be billing clients for the time I'm not actually spending working for them (even if it's just a trip to the bathroom!)
  • It produces reports about what I'm spending time on - which sometimes reveals weaknesses in my time management and priorities.
  • And it's free (also ad-free) - the free version has met all my needs thus far!

Time tracking has been good for my productivity as a struggle self-employed entrepreneurs like me face is deciding what to work on. With Toggl I'm presented with a list of what I've been working on lately so I just pull up the little app on my Macbook and dive into a project that needs to be completed instead of being distracted by some shiny object on the internet or drawn into some new project or curiosity.


Review Title
Toggl [Lifehacker Review]


Toggl track widget for Mac

Editor review

1 review
The best time-tracking app!
Overall rating
Easy to Use - Intuitive Interface
#1 Reviewer 245 reviews
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