Slow Sex [Book Review]

Slow Sex

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Slow Sex: The Art and Craft of the Female Orgasm


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Slow Sex by Nicole Daedone [Book Review]
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Nicole Daedone
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Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

Book Review"Orgasmic Meditation" a sex hack for the attentive

In my curiosity about all things sex hacking, I came across this video on YouTube, there is a man and a woman, the woman removes her pants, lies down, and the man puts on a rubber glove and proceeds to give her a stroke job. Turns out this is called OM (orgasmic meditation), it's a way to slow down sex and enhance intimacy. The evangelist of OM is this woman Nicole Daedone, I watched a few of her presentations and couldn't quite decide if she was a hedonistic postmodern feminist or a profound thinker, so I read her book Slow Sex: The Art and Craft of the Female Orgasm. My wife and I tried OMing with mixed results, we discuss the book in this podcast. Listen up and stroke slowly, gents...

After recording this podcast, I did a little more Googling of the author and her company OneTaste, and apparently, they got in a lot of trouble over allegations of sexual sleaziness going on with their employees. They were called an "orgasm cult" by the BBC and it's alleged that employees were pressured to sleep with clients to upsell them to fancy, experiential training packages that cost as much as $60,000, wow! The FBI opened an investigation of the company in 2018, but I can't ascertain if any criminal charges were ever leveled at Nicole Daedone & Co. My sentiments on this are...

Of course, OneTaste got #MeToo'd/"canceled" - they were organizing group sexual encounters. Anytime you're dabbling outside of an exclusive, trusting, monogamous relationship you're playing with fire. You're inviting life-ruining allegations and legal trouble. Especially, doing it at scale, it's just a matter of time before human nature intervenes and drama ensues. I've listened to a bunch of these True Crime podcasts, about groups of well-intentioned "spiritual" people doing self-exploration together. Then people start sleeping with each other, power dynamics come into play, things get cultish, and it melts down into this predatory mess. 

The "sexual exploration" scene has, I'm sure, a lot of decent, respectful people in it, but inevitably it's going to attract weirdos, stalkers, crazies, and liars who will ruin the fun for everyone else. If you value your sanity and freedom, steer clear of this whole scene of swingers, workshops, and people charging to provide a "venue" for the expression of sexuality.

Also, I'm flabbergasted that people would pay up to $60,000 for OM training. It's not that complicated of a practice and you can learn everything you need to know about it from her book.

Boundaries to sexuality ensure human dignity, respect, and your freedom - those boundaries should include the four walls of your bedroom and a monogamous relationship with a virtuous person - with those in place you can go wild with the experimentation and have all the fun you want.


Orgasmic Meditation - Step By Step Instructions

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"Orgasmic Meditation" a sex hack for the attentive
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