Selank - a peripheral Nootropic for the sophisticated Biohacker


By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.

Selank is an anxiolytic peptide supplement with Nootropic properties.

It's what I regard as a peripheral Nootropic for the sophisticated Biohacker, it's NOT a highly stimulating drug with an immediate performance-enhancing effect on the mind or body.

It is a long-term biohacking strategy that works best in combination with other Nootropics. It's a...

A Peptide of Many Talents

Selank molecule

The spectrum of the pharmacological action of Selank is unique. It is an anti-anxiety supplement with antidepressant and anti-asthenic action that is also able to enhance memory and cognitive functions. Therefore, this peptide can potentially replace three different drug groups – tranquilizers, antidepressants, and stimulants.

Scientific Research

Scientific Research

The most recent study treated 40 Russian patients with anxiety disorders. It concluded: The results extend therapeutic possibilities of treatment of [anxiety spectrum] disorders with the combination of benzodiazepine tranquilizers and selank.

Several recent studies detail its immunomodulatory or antiviral effect. To quote one 2009 study

Selank added to the cell culture 24 hours before inoculation (a preventive use scheme) showed the highest efficiency, by completely suppressing viral reproduction.



It does decrease the symptoms of anxiety without causing adverse effects typical of tranquilizers, such as sedation, amnesia, myorelaxation, or withdrawals. At the same time, the anxiolytic benefits of the supplement are comparable to that of Alprozolam, Phenazepam, or Stresam.

Interestingly, one of the studies classified it as an Adaptogen

Additionally, the adaptogenic properties of selank may be beneficial to its use in elderly people and people exposed to environmental stressors for the prevention of infectious diseases.

A recent study drew a connection between gene expression and GABAergic neurotransmission. To quote the paper

We analyzed the expression of 84 genes involved in neurotransmission...
Our results showed that Selank caused a number of alterations in the expression of genes involved in neurotransmission. The data obtained indicate that Selank is characterized by its complex effects on nerve cells, and one of its possible molecular mechanisms is associated with allosteric modulation of the GABAergic system.

Immune Promoting

Immune Promoting

By its structure, Selank is based on endogenous tetrapeptide Tuftsin, which plays an important role in the immune system.

Mechanism of Action


  • The mechanism of anxiolytic action is related regulation of norepinephrine.
  • Serotonin and enkephalins levels and their metabolism in the brain.
  • It is suggested that another possible mechanism of action is the inhibition of enkephalin-degrading enzymes, which increases the activity of the endogenous opioid system and explains the mild analgesic effect of Selank.

Opioid Withdrawal

Opioid Withdrawal

At least one study strongly suggested that Selank could be a godsend for those addicted to benzos OR those who have developed a very high tolerance to the non-Nootropic performance enhancer Kratom.


To slow the breakdown of the peptide and prolong its effects, the inventors of this peptide added a Glyproline to its structure.


On-Label Indications:

  • Anxiety and adjustment disorders
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Neurasthenia


Semax and Selank are a highly renowned stack in elite Biohacker circles. Selank is the one Semax cofactor that is supported by the published scientific research. An American Biohacker reported"I had stacked it with selank a few days back, and took a very small dose of ritalin (2.5mg), and went on the most productive 5 hours I had in the last year."

Semax in combination with the caviar of Racetams, Phenylpiracetammay make you scary smart. A Biohacker who thoroughly experimented with both reportedBy the way, Phenotropil works wonders when I take it with Semax. Has anyone experienced that or it's just me?
If I were going to shell out the cash for Selank, I would combine it with these two potent cofactors, and then I would invent faster-than-light travel.

Phenazepam, a benzodiazepine optimized the treatment of anxiety disorders. I'm not a big fan of benzos but in the study that combined them, it seemed that Selank offset some of the negatives of the benzo: 

The positive effect of phenazepam was achieved earlier in the optimization of treatment with selank on [Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression]. The combined treatment decreased the level of undesirable side-effects of phenazepam (attention and memory impairment, asthenia, sedation, increase in sleep duration, sexual disturbances, emotional indifference and orthostatism) during the course of treatment and after the tranquilizer withdrawal. Taken together, the therapeutic efficacy and reduction of side-effects had a positive impact on the quality-of-life of the patients treated with selank as add-on to phenazepam.

A recent human tolerability study of the two concluded: Pronounced anxiolytic and mild nootropic effects of selank were demonstrated. The anxiolytic effect lasted for a week after last receiving the peptide.

Usage and Dosage


Dosage Take 2-3 little drops in each nostril two or three times daily.

Usage It's another Nootropic that you take nasally.

Cold Storage It's peptide so it's a good idea to leave it in your refrigerator.

Side Effects

I came across one very negative report from an anonymous Biohacker of bad side effects when combined with Semax and NSI

Risk Grade: B

Number of Clinical Trials: 3

  • Like its cofactor Semax, it has a grand total of three clinical trials, all are from Russia and none were placebo-controlled. 
  • Unlike a lot of Russian studies, there's at least one recent study published in full online, properly translated into English.
  • Numerous clinical trials confirmed the safety of this peptide. It does not cause dependence and is non-toxic even in doses 200-500 times higher than the therapeutic dosage.
  • From a 2016 Russian paper that you can find the whole text of online: Clinical studies have shown that the effect of Selank is similar to that of tranquilizers at low doses, but is not accompanied by the unwanted side effects of benzodiazepine tranquilizers.
  • One of the immunomodulation studies concluded: Peptides have practically no negative side effects because they are endogenous substances.


For the biohacker who's tired of the usual cast of cognitive enhancers, Selank offers a subtle, yet sophisticated, alternative. This peptide packs a punch of anxiolytic and nootropic benefits, leaving you calmer, sharper, and ready to tackle your day with laser focus. So ditch the jittery jitters of your run-of-the-mill nootropics and embrace the serene focus that Selank provides.


GABA, Selank, and Olanzapine Affect the Expression of Genes Involved in GABAergic Neurotransmission in IMR-32 Cells


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