Methylene Blue from Swiss Chems

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Methylene Blue from Swiss Chems
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.

Biohacker Review: A blue liquid Nootropic that makes me look like I cannibalized a smurf

It comes in this liquid solution and you deposit a few drops of it below your tongue. What's funny about it is that it turns your mouth really blue! So you'll get blue stains on everything your mouth touches - cups, spoons, your lips, other Nootropics, and other people.

When I first tried it...

I was a bit sleep-deprived on a bus from Barcelona to Valencia. I did the Methylene Blue directly before 20 minutes of meditation. It didn't have much of a noticeable effect while meditating. The taste is not bad for a Nootropic although when it lingers in your mouth it has a slightly unpleasant burning sensation.

I used it for over 10 days in a row and was not able to ascertain any true Nootropic effects.

  • I did my breath counting focus test multiple times on it and it didn't make any difference in my attentional control.
  • I did use it before going out socializing and salsa dancing; there was no effect whatsoever on social anxiety, verbal fluency, or motor coordination.
  • I could not notice any disturbance in sleep from using it after 5 PM. Some Nootropics will affect your sleep if you use them in the evenings.
  • I double-dosed a couple of days and there was a slight effect; of being perhaps a little more energetic. But it didn't last very long, less than two hours.
  • I felt maybe a bit sweaty.
  • I guess for me to get a meaningful effect from this I just need a whole lot more, I will need to swim the stuff... Like fish do!

Stacking Methylene Blue

Since I was disappointed with it I did search in the Biohacker forums for Methylene Blue cofactors and a couple of Biohackers were talking about it in combination with Rhodiola and caffeine, that this potentiated the caffeine. I did try this. I stacked it with Adaptogenic tea (which is about a third Rhodiola) and coffee and I didn't find it to have a notable effect on my caffeination.

I also stacked it with...

  • Coluracetam
  • Tyrosine
  • 5-HTP

And there was no acute effect that would be worth trying to reproduce.


It comes in the same kind of little blue bottle that Nicotine USP solution comes in, since I quit smoking I re-associated my anticipatory serotonin pathway to this little blue bottle, so whenever I see it, I get a little hit of serotonin the way a person who is trying to quit smoking does when they see someone else light up, but then the slightly more evolved part of my brain is like that's not NIcotine, it's just the fish tank cleaner...

I wouldn't use it again because it didn't have any apparent helpful effect and it does dye your mouth blue. With long-term use, I'd be worried about it staining your teeth.



One time I was hanging out working on my laptop at a cafe in Spain, I had just used Methylene Blue and was about to do a little 10-milligram spoon of Coluracetam when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was a cute Colombian girl who approached me because I was wearing a Colombian jersey. Usually, this is the kind of opportunity I would jump on. But I think she was a little weirded out seeing the white powder I was about to consume and my very blue mouth; looking like I had just gone full Miami-zombie-style cannibal on an Avatar alien or smurf...

Smurfs always make me smile because they remind me of this funny story, this one time in Colombia...


My buddy Travis and I were going to a Halloween party in Medellin, the party was kind of out in the hood, far away from the neighborhoods where foreigners usually hang out.

At the party, there was this older woman dressed as a smurf who was really drunk and very aggressive with my buddy and me. She kept grabbing us to drunkenly bump'n grind to the folksy Colombian music. Eventually, some other girls at the party yelled at her and told her that we were their boyfriends and to get her to stop grabbing us.

There was one hot girl at the party in a slutty costume who I started dancing with and then she grabbed a dildo out of a cupboard and rubbed it on me.

As the night drew on and everyone else at the party was getting drunk, Travis and I decided to dip out and our taxi driver drove us home at insane speeds.

It was a weird night...

Mind Power Products

Money back guarantee Buy Methylene Blue

 INVEST at least $150 at least $150 in your health at Swiss Chems and get an illuminating Biohacking consultation

When to expect mind power results
4 weeks

Supplement or Drug

Pharmaceutical Grade
Type of Consumable
Solution or Tincture
Nootropic Ingredients


300mg / 30mL bottle


Methylene Blue Review: The Nootropic drops that make me look like I cannibalized a smurf!

Editor review

1 review
Nootropic drips that make me look like I cannibalized a Smurf!
(Updated: July 05, 2021)
Overall rating
Good value
Makes you feel 'Limitless' - Improves memory
Ability to focus
Energy and productivity
Wakefulness and alertness
Social Confidence
Verbal ability
Methylene Blue Review: The Nootropic drops that make me look like I cannibalized a smurf!
#1 Reviewer 245 reviews
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User reviews

1 review
Overall rating
Good value
Makes you feel 'Limitless' - Improves memory
Ability to focus
Energy and productivity
Wakefulness and alertness
Social Confidence
Verbal ability
Methylene Blue Solution - A Novel Nootropic
Overall rating
Good value
Makes you feel 'Limitless' - Improves memory
Ability to focus
Energy and productivity
Wakefulness and alertness
Social Confidence
Verbal ability
Methylene blue doesn't really have any acute effects in humans, at low doses. At higher doses, methylene blue begins to reversibly inhibit monoamine oxidase, specifically the MAO-A isoform. Benefits are realized with methylene blue after 4-6 weeks and onward. In this respect, it's like nefiracetam or bacopa monnieri: it takes time to work.

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