#4: Playing the Young & Ambitious Card

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

We discuss 13 mindsets and methods to play the young and ambitious card.

In the badass story, we will be discussing a bank robbery and in the money-making technique, we will share how to set up the ultimate job search dashboard.

Warning: Using these 13 methods and mindsets to play the young and ambitious card will get you jobs you don't deserve or bring you deals that are too big for you. So do be prepared to grow, adapt, and learn (Fast!) to rise to the challenge or you'll risk damaging your reputation.

In this episode we discuss...

  • 13 mindsets and methods to play the young & ambitious card.
  • Badass story: Jonathan's bank robbery.
  • Money-making technique: How to set up the ultimate job search dashboard using a free Feedly account and Craigslist (Includes a dirty trick!)

Resources and links:
Feedly-Craigslist Job Search Dashboard
'Lie to Me' TV Show about deception and the science of microexpression reading.
Power body language: photo of hands together in the power position.
Dressing sharp: photo of a straight gig-line.
Dressing Sharp: Learn the Double Windsor Necktie Knot.

Recommended reading for the young and ambitious:
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The Art of the Deal by Donald Trump
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
From Good to Great by Jim Collins
4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

Good Quotes for the young and ambitious:

"What the mind can conceive & believe it can achieve"
Napoleon Hill

"You are more likely to die of indigestion of too much opportunity than starvation of too little" & "Good is the enemy of great."
Jim Collins, From Good to Great

"When making decisions I listen first to my gut instinct than I get everyone's opinion on the matter who I respect. Then I mentally leave the decision. Don't think about it for hours or days. Give my subconscious the opportunity to analyze the decision. Then when I am in a clear state of mind I return to the decision and go with whatever my gut instinct is."
Paraphrasing the billionaire decision-making technique by Donald Trump

"I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self."

"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times... It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential." - Bruce Lee

Get more quotes: www.BrainyQoute.com

'Power' by Capeesh ft. Thelonious & Kid Dynomite
'I Made It' by Kevin Rudolf & Young Money
'Miles Away' Madonna Remix by MJOLLNYR
'Jiu-Jitsu' by Smoke Serpent feat. Rakaa

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