Effects of combined treatment with heavy metals and Piracetam on learning and memory

Effects of combined treatment with heavy metals and Piracetam on learning and memory

The effects of the nootropie drugs Piracetam (Pir) and Pramiracetam (Pram) were evaluated on recognition-memory of rats in a new one-trial test. This test is based on spontaneous exploratory activity and does not involve rule learning or reinforcement.

Recognition is measured by the time spent by rats in exploring two different objects, one familiar (the sample), the other new.

When the retention interval is I min, normal rats spend more time exploring the new object which demonstrates that they recognize the familiar one, but they do not discriminate between the two objects after a 24-h interval. Three doses of Pram (15, 30and 60 mg/kg) and Pir (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg) were administered i.p. 30 min before the acquisition trial. The doses of 30mg/kg of Pram and of 400 mg/kg of Pir produced a signiticant improvement in retention when the intertrial interval was 24 h.

This effect was not associated with a change in overall exploratory behavior. This study shows that the new object-recognition test may be a useful tool for pharmacological studies of memory in rats.


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Scientific Studies & Papers

Author of Study or Paper
Inozemtsev AN, Bokieva SB, Karpukhina OV, Gumargalieva KZ.
Moscow State University, Moscow 119992, Russia.
Date Published
2008 in Doklady biological sciences : proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Biological sciences sections


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