159 results - showing 21 - 30
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Brahmi rasayana improves learning and memory in mice.
Cure of cognitive disorders such as amnesia, attention deficit and Alzheimer's disease is still a nightmare in the field of medicine. Nootropic agents such as piracetam, aniracetam and choline esterase inhibitors like Donepezil are being used to improve memory, mood and behavior, but the resulting side effects associated with these agents have made their use limited. ...
Brain-specific nutrients: a memory cure?
We review the experimental evaluations of several widely marketed nonprescription compounds claimed to be memory enhancers and treatments for age-related memory decline. We generally limit our review to double-blind placebo-controlled studies. The compounds examined are phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylcholine (PC), citicoline, piracetam, vinpocetine, acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC), and antioxidants (particularly vitamin E).  
BrainCells Inc.Phase 2a Trial
SAN DIEGO, Calif., June 14, 2010 – BrainCells Inc., a company leading the scientific research of neurogenesis using its proprietary neural stem cell platform technology to identify novel compounds for the treatment of central nervous system (CNS) diseases, announced today findings from an exploratory, dose ranging Phase 2a clinical trial not powered for statistical significance. The trial evaluated BCI...
Carnitine esters prevent oxidative stress damage and energy depletion following transient forebrain ischaemia in the rat hippocampus.
1. The present study investigated whether propionyl-L-carnitine (PLC) has neuroprotective effects, similar to those reported for acetyl-L-carnitine (AC), against transient forebrain ischaemia-induced neuronal damage and biochemical derangement in the rat hippocampal CA1 region.
Chemistry, Pharmacology, and Clinical Efficacy of the Chinese Nootropic Agent Huperzine A
Alan P. Kozikowski was born in 1948 in Menominee, MI. He received his Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Berkeley, under the supervision of the late Professor W. G. Dauben. After postdoctoral work with Professor E. J. Corey at Harvard University, Dr. Kozikowski began his independent career at the University of Pittsburgh. After 14 years there, he spent...
Chronic administration of sulbutiamine improves long term memory
Abstract Thiamine deficiency in both man and animals is known to produce memory dysfunction and cognitive disorders which have been related to an impairment of cholinergic activity. The present experiment was aimed at testing whether, inversely, chronic administration of large doses of sulbutiamine would have a facilitative effect on memory and would induce changes in central cholinergic activity. Accordingly...
Chronic nicotinamide riboside supplementation is well-tolerated and elevates NAD+ in healthy middle-aged and older adults.
Abstract Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) has emerged as a critical co-substrate for enzymes involved in the beneficial effects of regular calorie restriction on healthspan. As such, the use of NAD+ precursors to augment NAD+ bioavailability has been proposed as a strategy for improving cardiovascular and other physiological functions with aging in humans. Here we provide the...
Chronic treatment with sulbutiamine improves memory in an object recognition task
Abstract The effect of a sulbutiamine chronic treatment on memory was studied in rats with a spatial delayed-non-match-to-sample (DNMTS) task in a radial maze and a two trial object recognition task. After completion of training in the DNMTS task, animals were subjected for 9 weeks to daily injections of either saline or sulbutiamine (12.5 or 25 mg/kg). Sulbutiamine did...
Cognition enhancers between treating and doping the mind.
Memory, attention and creativity represent three different cognitive domains, which are interconnected and contribute the "mental performance" of an individual. Modern neuroscience has investigated some of the neuronal circuits and of the neurotransmitters and molecular events underlying the above-mentioned cognitive functions. Within this renewed reference context, some of the properties of the components of the remedies to increase mental...
159 results - showing 21 - 30
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