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Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

There are several different modes and several different types of Iris. These are basically some preset values that many people use. Aside from this, you can customize Iris a lot. I know that it can be a little hard for non-technical people, but I’m doing my best to make it as easy to use as possible.

By default, Iris works automatically and detects if it’s day or night. Based on that it will change your screen Color Temperature and Brightness. When you open the control panel of the program you can select different modes and types of Iris.

There are several Iris options...

Freemium. Customizable. The original Iris. Awesome for Health freaks.

Iris mini
Small. Minimalistic. Free. Portable. Automatic. Awesome for everyone

Iris micro
Free. Command line. Fast. Awesome for geek

What people are saying about Iris...


I have tried just about every piece of blue light blocking and eye health software that exists and nothing even comes close to Iris.


Excess blue light from your computer monitor can be a serious threat to your biological health. Fortunately Iris software can eliminate virtually all of the risk through its innovative approach. I use it on all my computers and encourage you to do the same. It is clearly the best software on the market to control your blue light exposure.


I use Iris on all my computers and mobile devices and it definitely makes a difference. I really feel myself better after working in the night and I sleep better. I highly recommend Iris to everyone who cares about his eyesight.


Money back guarantee Shop Iris Tech
Media Type
Mobile App or Website
Author or Creator
Daniel Georgiev


How technology is killing our eyes | Daniel Georgiev | TEDxVarna

Editor review

1 review
The best vision-saving app!
Overall rating
Easy to Use - Intuitive Interface
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