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Hourglass: A science fiction novel - Not For Sex Addicts - about seduction, biohacking & philosophy
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

Gents, I've been working on a science fiction novel that you're really going to enjoy - about seduction, biohacking, social dynamics, and philosophy - with a very provocative working title - Not For Sex Addicts.

Ladies: I joyfully devote myself to loving a woman and I read at least a couple of books every year to better understand women. I’ve done a lot of writing on relationships and sex that is gender-neutral. But this book will be for men. I contend that men need to take more leadership (first of themselves), to right the sexual Absurdistan of modernity. And this novel will inspire them to do so with prose, dialog, and a narrative you may not enjoy reading.


Of course, you're asking: Why is this novel NOT for sex addicts?

Well, you'll have to read it to find out! If you're a man with some degree of sexual sovereignty (and you will be if you've implemented some of the stuff I've written about and shared in this newsletter), you'll get a lot more than entertainment out of this novel. Here's a teaser of the plot...

Xavier is a Biohacker, Lifehacker, professional poker player, statistical savant, gamer, addict, and cyber-criminal currently being prosecuted for masterminding a nine-million-dollar heist of "pre-cognitive capital." Pushed out of his comfort zone one night at a cigar bar, he approaches a strikingly beautiful Colombian woman, Astrid. An old Russian man gives him a mysterious confidence drug along with some advice that gives him a shot at charming a woman unlike any other he has ever known. But Astrid has an identical twin sister who seems to have succumbed to the same corrupting modern influences as Xavier. As he battles his addictions, the twins draw him into a web of intrigue and moral quandaries. In a world where corporations enslave the human mind to predict the future and profit, he'll excel because of the Biohacking tools he yields and his innate talents but falter because of his fundamentally flawed character.

And the back cover book blub

Set in a dystopian near-future world drunk on virtual bliss, it delves deeply into the themes of the digital enslavement of human sexuality, tech addiction, the state of men in modernity, the scientific study of consciousness, and corporate capture of the prophetic ability of the mind. This novel illustrates the application of some of the edgier Biohacks, lifehacks, and social dynamics hacks. Along with some philosophical exposition that will clarify the reader's viewpoint of the absurdistan of the modern world.

It's some of the best writing I've ever done. And I'd like to give you a download of the first three chapters to whet your appetite...

Download the first three chapters

If you're a sex addict, sorry it's not for you. In fact, please pass on these sample chapters. They might be "triggering" (to use that word I resisted for a long time) for you. But, not much more triggering than life in general, and not more triggering than social media if you use it some. Consider yourself forewarned.

I write that knowing you'll be very intrigued. But if you've implemented what I've written about you'll have the self-control hacks in place that every man needs and you'll know that it is better to avoid temptation than to resist it, so please do.

What to expect from the novel...

  • It's kind of going to be a self-help guide masquerading as a novel - illustrating the application of some of the edgier Biohacks, lifehacks, and social dynamics hacks - but more novel than self-help book.
  • Seduction is a central theme. Many novels I've read feature wildly unrealistic or dry depictions of romance and seduction. Having personally devoted almost a decade of my life to "the art of seduction" (which resulted in a happy 7-year marriage), this novel will deliver the good stuff in that department (and you might learn a thing or two from it, single guys!) But it's not needlessly gratuitous.
  • I'm spilling some metaphorical ink to ensure that it's a funny book, I dare say it will make you laugh out loud at points!
  • There's a drug, dubiously a Nootropic, that I've NEVER written about before that may make you rich. Apparently, a couple of high-profile white-collar criminals have used it - It may turn you into a psychopathic capitalist. I reveal it in this novel.
  • "No free will" is a popular modern idea, but it's deeply, fundamentally incorrect. In this book, I'll properly disassemble it for you.
  • The best novels tend to be when the author is transposing their most vibrant life experiences on a fictional narrative, think: Ayn Rand contrasting life in the Soviet Union vs New York City. That's what I do in this science fiction novel in lieu of space battles and time-travel tropes.
  • Expect it to be about 60,000 words and come in at around 200 pages, so something you could get through in a weekend if you wanted to!

Here's the opening scene of the first chapter...

This was the third time she had looked at him in a confined journey together of only four floors.
Xavier Oren was nervous. It had been a while since he had been alone and physically this close to a woman actually wearing a skirt, especially a woman like this. She had strikingly exotic features: long jet-black hair, piercingly full green eyes, sensual red lips, aristocratic high cheekbones, clear creamy Mediterranean skin the color of coffee with a lot of milk added, and her hips had an alluring width to them. She was dressed stylishly, with an expensive-looking white leather purse. Her curvaceous form beckoned from the delicate fabric of her somewhat skimpy top, and the green-striped skirt did more than hint at her shapely legs. In the four mirrored walls of the elevator, her reflection receded infinitely away from his. The 33 trillion cells of his body and his 20,000 genes screamed at him to say something to her.
Yet, her mere presence paralyzed him. On top of the anxiety, he was irritated that he couldn’t access the Internet via his embedded ocular cyber-optic uplink lenses (“Link” for short) to escape her gaze, his own reflection, and this awkward moment.
Dear Reader, you may think me some species of coward for not suavely striking up a conversation with such a desirable fellow vertical traveler, but would you transform into Casanova in such a moment, pushing 200 heartbeats per minute? Doubt it! What would I even say to her? Something like “Hello, nice weather today…” No, that’s a boring conversation topic! Should I ask her if she works in the building? She certainly doesn’t look like she does. Besides, it’s creepy to ask a stranger in an elevator where they work…
Her eyes almost met his again as he looked at the elevator buttons, and he nervously glanced toward the corner of the elevator to avoid eye contact. Only a few more floors to go to the Support offices, he thought silently to himself.
She looked like she was in a hurry, tapping her foot on the floor as they finally arrived at Xavier’s floor, the Support offices. She walked out of the elevator first, seemingly intentionally passing closely by Xavier, and he caught her rare scent. He felt something profound change deep within his body. Close up; he could see just how vibrant her skin was and how the curvature of her dainty naked shoulders flowed perfectly into the voluptuous contours of her ample breasts. His head spun for a moment.
Intoxicating! But maybe she’s a hooker? How anachronistic of her! Or could she be an OnlyFanz “model?” I haven’t seen a real one of those in a long while…

Just slightly, his body retreated further into the corner of the mirrored elevator. Confronted with his reflection, again alone, he caught his breath and emerged. She had a confident stride as she walked towards the lobby opposite Support. Xavier couldn’t help but notice that her hips had this awesome rhythm as her heels click-clacked on the floor. The skirt was so tight that he could clearly make out both perky buttocks. Xavier’s mouth fell open as his hand went to his collar.
At this moment, a larger woman wearing black trousers and a grey-collared shirt with simple lettering reading “Moderator” emerged from Support, catching Xavier in the middle of gawking at the mesmerizing skirt. For a moment, her face contorted in disgust at him.
The Moderator isn’t happy about me “violating her privacy!” Xavier swallowed nervously as he entered Support for his court-ordered weekly review.

The best novels tend to be when the author is transposing their most vibrant life experiences on a fictional narrative and this scene is inspired by when I lived in Medellin and worked at a coworking space that shared a floor with one of Colombia's top modeling agencies. I took some elevator rides with some real heart-stopping stunners there! Here I am there at that coworking space...

The novel will be released in early 2025, and I'm eager to get your feedback on the sample chapters

This can help me make this a better novel that impacts more people. So at the end of the three chapters, you'll find a link to a feedback survey. Please complete (at least some of the questions of) the advanced reader feedback survey, and I'll hook you up with a free copy of the digital book and audiobook when it's released.

So set aside a little time this evening, grab your favorite beverage, put on some good tunes, and enjoy the first three chapters of "Not For Sex Addicts." These sample chapters have been properly formatted in Epub and PDF (I recommend reading in Epub unless you want to print it out), so they will be a pleasure to read on any device, a tablet, or an e-reader.

Coming soon: The Audiobook

A science fiction short film?

What's got me intrigued right now is (NOT Colombian girls, I have a hot Bulgarian wife that I'm very happy with!) AI filmmaking...

This novel is a "labor of love" project as it's the sort of thing no mainstream publisher would touch and I was kicked off Amazon as a writer because I refused to appease the vague, politically correct sensibilities of our big tech overlords in one of my previous titles. If selling this novel for $9 in my e-commerce store somehow ends up being wildly successful (crazier things have happened to me), I'm playing around with the idea of using some of the mindblowing new AI filmmaking tools to bring the story to the metaphorical silver screen. 

But, don't wait for the movie to come out!


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My Next Book: A Novel "Not For Sex Addicts"
My Next Book: A Novel "Not For Sex Addicts"
Hourglass: A science fiction novel - Not For Sex Addicts - about seduction, biohacking & philosophy

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