Don't Stick Your Dick in a Blender

4.7 (2)
Don't Stick Your Dick in a Blender: How to meet a nice girl instead - from a tantric husband with a better sex life than you!

How to meet a nice girl instead - from a tantric husband with a better sex life than you!

Women are dangerous.
Good, yet naive, men routinely wreck their lives because they “stick their dick in a blender” — having sex with the wrong kinds of women. STDs, unplanned pregnancies, false accusations, mental health headcases, and divorce make chasing skirts a dangerous game. While lesser men retreat from the pursuit of women into the pixel-powered pleasure world, you have faith that your hunt for a virtuous woman will be fruitful.

You can’t take a time machine back to a more decent age to find a marriageable woman. You’re not ready to give up on your genetic purpose and start banging sex robots, but you’re tired of the transient, meaningless flings with mediocre women.
You’re likely underestimating just how risky sex, a relationship, or marriage is with the modern woman. But you’re also underestimating just how rewarding it is to win the commitment of “a nice girl” — a truly feminine woman, not at war with the natural order — and intertwine your essence with hers.

"Don’t Stick Your Dick in a Blender” is an irreverent, politically incorrect exposition of the state of dating in the current year. And a playbook of counter-intuitive approaches, advanced social dynamics lifehacks along with filtering strategies for avoiding the time-wasters and inglorious skanks.

 How to meet a nice girl...

And in these pages, you’ll get the “red pills” on dating, sex, and the fairer sex without the hopelessness and cynicism. You’ll learn about the four red flags of a “blender” — deal-breakers that should make you back away slowly from a woman. You’ll learn what qualifies as a virtuous woman who you might have a future with. And, why there are a lot of reasons to be optimistic about finding love and even getting married one day.

This book is also a story of hope and redemption, the memoir of a reformed pickup artist who “enjoyed the decline” all the way from America and Colombia to Ukraine and found edifying joy and meaning between the voluptuous legs of a beautiful Bulgarian woman on edge of Europe.

Dont Stick Your Dick in a Blender

 What's in the book - Chapter Flowchart

Chapter flowchart

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  • Includes the audiobook version of the book. Some of the chapters you'll want to listen to multiple times to absorb the knowledge.
  • And you'll also get access to a private accountability communityThe League of Limitless Gentlemen on, where you'll be able to get feedback and encouragement from me and other like-minded guys.

The book was banned by Amazon, it's the political correctness police at it again. If you don't acquiesce to the mainstream, neoliberal ideology of the current year you're not allowed to be a part of the conversation. They don't debate you, they don't challenge your ideas, they don't make counter-arguments - they just silence you.

Support free speech by getting it direct from me here. Mobi import instructions are included so you can read it like any other Kindle book.

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The audiobook is +18 hours, which means that Audible would sell it for $20-$25, of which I only get a 20% royalty. So I'd rather reward those who order it direct from me here for $8.99!


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Review Title
Don't Stick Your Dick in a Blender by Jonathan Roseland
Media Type
  • eBook (Kindle/ePub/PDF)
  • Audio Program
Author or Creator
Jonathan Roseland
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Don't Stick Your Dick in a Blender
Don't Stick Your Dick in a Blender
Don't Stick Your Dick in a Blender
Don't Stick Your Dick in a Blender
Don't Stick Your Dick in a Blender - 18-hour audiobook

Editor review

1 review
Don't stick your dick in a blender, guys! I f*ckin mean it!
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Never have I ever thought I would read a book by a married man giving advice to guys on women. My own opinion is that marriage is stupid and it only exists to benefit females. But to be honest, this book blew me away although it mostly contradicts my personal views. Here's why...

You can tell from the very beginning that Jonathan has been through thick and thin and knows a lot about life. Also, if I only have to evaluate the first chapter I should say that not very many books have caught my attention like this (and I'm an avid reader myself). His writing style is enticing, it's quite readable, and makes you want to keep going. What he says is basically true - "the inevitable uncondoming" happens quite often. Personally, I've been with many women and can totally confirm this from experience. They just want to hop on your bare cock and don't care much about the consequences, which in my book is a clear sign to spot a "blender" and not get involved. No self-respecting man would like to be with such a woman for more than what she's good for. Not to mention, they are many times disappointing and full of STDs and STIs (yes, these two are different) Doesn't sound good? Pass on them, the author is spot on here. Apparently, he, like me has realized this the hard way.

I wish I had read this book a long time ago, maybe back in college. It would have helped me immensely to avoid the wrong kind of girl and would have prevented me from getting "oneitis" for her. Then maybe today I would have a nice family to take care of but... it wasn't around at the time.

I know that a lot of guys struggle with finding girls in the COVID-19 era and I can assure you that Jonathan has given hope to all of them. Yeah, perhaps they will have to learn a few new skills but it's all worth it. For example, if you can't cook, you should try your best to get there cause chicks like an independent man who doesn't need a second mother. They want a man who can handle his own shit. Now, the fact that my girlfriend cooks for me doesn't mean that I can't do it myself if necessary. Actually, I'm a pretty good cook and can do everything else expected from a woman around the house, even better than her. But I'm a completely different story and the book doesn't apply to guys like me.

One of the densest chapters in the book is probably "Dating and marrying exotic foreign women". Jonathan has delved very deeply into this entire fantasy that a lot of men entertain. It's definitely not for everyone and if you think that not having success with the women in your own country has something to do with them, you're wrong because it all has to do with YOU and your SMV. He obviously met and married a hot foreign girl but he had to come a long way and explore 3 continents before that which certainly takes some balls.

You think that dating latinas is a dream come true? Well, you have a couple of choices:

You either put up with their shallowness, entitlement, and flakiness

OR you are attractive and exciting enough to nip that in the bud

My LTR is a 21-year-old Colombian model who I met in Miami, Florida. Fresh out of college, she was dating a very blue pilled guy back then, who would do anything to make her "happy", thus failing all her shit tests. A week after we met she monkey branched onto me cause she was in a desperate need of a strong dominant man, whom she was just longing to please and who wouldn't give in to her stupid bullshit.

Luckily, in this chapter of the book Jonathan has explained the pros and cons of trying to date (and bed) exotic women like this. You'll also find out how to avoid the numerous scams that a lot of western men face when hunting for a sexy no western LTR/wife. It's not easy, guys but it's worked for him. Apparently, she's sexy and hasn't scammed him (so far) LOL.

Everyone is more than familiar with online dating and the futile attempts to find love there, right? The author very precisely breaks down why that is and in my opinion, he's damn right. Unless you look like some hot celebrity, are very photogenic, AND have money it's not for you. A girl has a ton of options online, would she choose you? Jeez, nowadays even a 3/10 has men lined up on tinder, how about the 8+/10 that you want? In my opinion, the way Jonathan has explained this in the book is really relevant to most guys who think that online dating will find them "a nice girl". No, man, it will not, read the chapter on it, you need that shit.

Speaking of the 1-10 hotness scale I should admit that the book provides several pretty interesting arguments of why it is "silly". To be honest, I've never really thought it was necessary cause beauty is a pretty subjective thing, but I've been using it anyway. Jonathan's point of view is different though. You wanna know why? Read the book, it might as well change your perspective on how you see women's looks from now on.

There's a lot of great advice on how to become a tantric man throughout the whole book. The techniques, the mindset, the tools- it's all in there. Anybody who considers himself a high-value man and wants to achieve his SMV peak needs to learn how to self cultivate. Meditation, mindfulness, no fap (quit porn!), going to the gym - all of these help your personal growth, and of course make you more appealing to women. A woman wants to sleep with a guy who's hot, self-confident, and knows what he wants, someone who is not afraid to follow his mission and who has high standards for everything in his life. I strongly agree with all of this but if you want to know exactly what to do- grab the book and find out!

Now, we learn a lot about Jonathan and his wife. I guess this is kind of necessary as he needs to prove that what he preaches actually works. So the girl he married is a bit post wall but it's also true that she looks much younger and hotter than many 25-year-olds that I've seen (and I've seen quite a few!) There are pictures of her and of them together so you can tell he's not only talk. They've been together for almost 4 years now and he claims she's still all over him. If that's true, all I can say is that he's doing things right cause otherwise she might "fall out of love" with him and stop being "happy". He gives a ton of examples of what he's done in his relationship and what works for him. If I have to admit, I'd be hesitant to do some of the things for a woman that he's done for his wife but it's just me... commitment is not my cup of tea. She doesn't really sound like a "unicorn" to me (they don't exist) but is obviously a high-quality girl who knows what she wants and is very wild in bed, which means they have a fun bedroom (don't we all want that, guys?) Congrats to Jonathan for finding and keeping her! This said it seems to me that she sees him as "the prize" and although I can tell that he does love her, he hasn't put her on a pedestal. Does he validate her though? He does, but he does it in a healthy way. How? Read chapter 9 of the book called "Sex and dating hacks" and you'll know.

By the way, guys, especially in an LTR sometimes struggle with their partner's low sex drive, not being in the mood or having a "migraine". In DSYDIAB Jonathan explains how to mitigate the risk of that happening, what the reasons might be, and how to overcome them. I think it's a very relevant piece of advice, as it touches his field of expertise. Most of you will find it pretty useful, trust me!

On promiscuity... basically the whole book is against it but here Jonathan gives a few very reasonable arguments. He used to be very promiscuous before meeting his wife, which a lot of men dream of and crave... that eventually bit his ass severely and he regretted it. Honestly, the reason made even me pondering, even though I have sex with a ton of women, often unprotected. If you ever intend to get married or even be in a serious LTR... read "The one thing I regret". You may very well stop fantasizing about banging hoes afterward and may even feel shitty if you have. It will be totally justified and even eye-opening.

Something I completely agree with Jonathan on is that if a man wants an LTR she should have a relatively low notch count. Personally, I'd never date a woman whose count is higher than 5. Even better if she's a virgin. He elaborates why that matters and also gives sound tips on how to devirginize a girl, which in my experience can be super tricky and messy.

I almost forgot... There is a very thorough walkthrough on how to lose your own virginity as a guy, written in whole 33 steps! Not applicable to me but young, struggling guys may find it very helpful.

I wish I wasn't so against "love" and finding "the one". I'm at the point of no return but I still enjoyed reading "Don't stick your dick in a blender" and despite the fact that I find it a bit too optimistic at times, it doesn't mean that it can't help other guys meeting their "nice girl" and having a successful LTR/marriage. As long as they submit to reason, their woman will submit to them. Excellently put, Jonathan!

Of course, there's a lot more to learn and educate yourself on while flipping the pages. I can't possibly go through everything but I do recommend that you check it out. Man, this book is dense and really detailed! It's also damn compelling and time-consuming!

It totally deserves to be on the bookshelf of every self-respecting red-pilled man, along with Roosh V, Rollo, and Tom Torero. Even though Jonathan is not into spinning plates and is into being faithful to one woman instead, I still say kudos to what he has done! Go hit the buy button, guys. And apply, you'll thank me later!
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User reviews

2 reviews
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A refreshing approach to relationships
Overall rating
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Offers a good view, of the value of meaningful relationships with women, compared to a lot of the "red-pilled" stuff out there, which preaches abundance at the cost of a meaningful relationship. The book was quite analytical in it's approach with relationships. The dynamics of a healthy masculine/feminine relationship was painted well, but I also liked the self-improvement techniques which were advocated to help create a healthy relationship. The anecdotes were another source of value in this book; the stories helped to spice things up a bit while allowing for a bit of relating with the author.

For a younger guy, this book paints a good picture: you don't have to be (nor should you want to be), a player whose world view is based out of abundance. This book shows that you can gain confidence and become a sexually viable man through having wholesome and meaningful experiences with women.
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I have my Doubts
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Educational and pretty nicely written, some of which I didn't accept but your book convinced me and could make me change one of my core beliefs and I thank you for that but also the time consumption part towards the end of the book is kind of scary and I think I will wait for sometime and if it really works out for you (or some girl really has the power to make me truly feel), I will kind of go with the flow.
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