

Longevity and cognitive performance, with an interest in hypnosis, and NLP.

The first thing you will probably lock onto most curiously is an explanation of my social media: I'm a professional permanent agriculture systems designer, with a specialization in biological nitrogen management. My other profession is floral design and cultivation -currently my main focus. 

If you're wildly imagining how biohacking shows up in my life, I first got into the study via herbs. I eagerly grow them -professionally for a large company once upon a time. If you're familiar with herbal fanatics, they want to have every herb for every malady. I quickly became familiar with the more refined approach of treating fewer, deeper root causes, with more central, simple herbs. This got me into really deep root causes like general eating patterns. I Intermittent fast -love the subject, and practice. Obvi studied and practiced ketogenic diet.


My must-have nootropics are rhodiola, and various herbal stacks. Synths like Piracetam in all its forms -and of course Caballo, instance per instance I stack on for the more challenging projects.


Infatuated with efficient, effective fitness, and longevity practice. I employ red light therapy on the norm. Chinese internal energy practices have had their place in my toolbox for years. 


I'm certified by the Mike Mandel Institute in hypnosis, and have studied in NLP. 


And when I meet with biohackers such as yourself, I love the richness of experience I so often find. It's amazing to me how people studying under the same branch of knowledge can have such similar yet different experiences that intrigue me so, so much. 

Biohacker Connect

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  • Meeting new people
  • Sharing biohacker tips

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