The Modafinil Cheatsheet


A personal anecdote...

This 20-year-old Ukrainian girl had kept me up all night. After I had put her in an Uber completely sleep-deprived around 8 AM I dropped 200 milligrams of Modafinil.

After reaching peak productivity that day in the mid-afternoon I settled down for 20 minutes of Jedi breathing combined with meditation. Modafinil is a drug that effectively prevents me from being an introspective time traveler; instead of trying to predict the future or analyzing the past I'm fully committed to the present. Usually, the first 10-15 minutes of meditation is something like wrestling with a rowdy pig in a kidipool filled with Vaseline but on Modafinil it's a whole different experience; all my worrying and grasping at abstractions goes away.

Typical of my meditation sessions as I held my mind empty and stared into the abyss subtle hallucinations appeared on the insides of my eyelids. In a powerfully symbolic moment a vivid wolf appeared, I stared into its eyes and it transformed into a dove that flew off. The wolf was my bullying mind. The tyrant within me that beat me up constantly. That self-critical internal dialog. The dove was my flighty mind that lurched and reeled in reaction to the world.

But now I was the wolf. Finally, I was the one in charge. The world would react to me.

A powerful sentiment that imbued a degree of tranquility for days after I had taken the Modafinil.

As the Internet's smart drug dealer I have to admit something to you...

The end game of smart drugs is to not really need them.

Would you believe that a lot of days I don't actually even use them? Here's why; I've internalized and habituated a lot of the self-discipline that Nootropics imbue.

Drugs do permanently change personality; this is why we have stereotypes about potheads or psychedelic enthusiasts. Smart drugs will have a long term effect on your personality via several mechanisms:

  • First of all, they show you how focused and productive your mind can be. Some people have never been as focused as they will be the first time they use Nootropics.
  • They feed your mind the raw building blocks for synapses that will increase the density of gray matter.
  • Smart drugs are an instant gratification tool for self-control. They work fast.
  • With the enhanced degree of self-control you get from smart drugs you can habituate other "more holistic" practices that will cultivate your self-control.

A smart drug that will really wake up your powers of concentration is Modafinil. After trying +100 different smart drugs it's easily within my top 5 for habituating focus.

We are living in history and the profound tectonic level political, cultural and technological changes happening below our feet will reward those with extraordinary powers of attention and punish harshly those who remain unenhanced. did an exhaustive meta-analysis of Modafinil and created this useful Modafinil infographic which breaks down the 8 mechanisms of action by which this drug transforms our self-control capacities.

Modafinil infographic
Download this infographic:

Check out this infographic: Modafinil Human Effect Matrix

Modafinil Sources
0.0 (0)
4.4 (1)
Modafinil by RUPharma
4.4 (1)

The Bad News: about a third of those who try Modafinil experience some undesirable effects; irritability, brain fog, headaches, sleep disruptions or a steep tolerance curve. For this reason, I developed Caballo the red pill formula for cognitive capital - which delivers an effect very similar to Modafinil via totally different pathways. It has a less than 10% incidence of undesirable effects vs Modafinil at greater than 30%. This cool infographic compares Caballo as a Modafinil alternative.

 For those who prefer to try before they generously offers free samples of Modalert, Waklert, Modvigil or Artvigil.


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