In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message [Book Review]

In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message

4.7 (7)
In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message


For the still relatively few in the world who have objectively examined the Grail Message “In the Light of Truth”, this unique work provides the earnest seeker of Truth with the most comprehensive explanations and insights into all the key issues pertaining to human life and to existence as a whole. Furthermore, it does so in the most logically consistent, clearest, and simplest way possible.


Its author, Abdruschin, (christened Oskar Ernst Bernhardt) was born on the 18th of April 1875 in Bishcofswerda, Germany.

Yet, in spite of the comprehensive nature of this new micro and macro cosmology of existence, only detailed knowledge which human beings objectively need in order to recognize the true nature and cause of our self-entanglement and how we are able to free ourselves in time before it is too late is given. For this reason, the current growing concerns which increasing numbers of people have about matters such as “the new world order”, “the illuminati”, aliens, and so forth are not focused upon directly. Nevertheless, because the fundamental knowledge of the whole Creation and its Laws are clearly explained, this provides a sound basis for the seeker to recognize that which is real and true from that which is false. This is possible because all phenomena, life forms, and beings, as things and creatures of and within the Creation, are also all completely subject to the Primordial Laws of Creation – the Laws of Nature! This holds true for every single life form, be it in this visible physical material world of gross matter, in the invisible metaphysical material world of ethereal matter, or even in the still higher spiritual planes of existence.

One might simply say that through the Grail Message, all the significant gaps in human knowledge of life and existence, has now been filled. Indeed, that was one of the conscious intentions of the author. It is for this reason that I’ve often described the knowledge contained in the Grail Message “In the Light of Truth” as 360 degrees of Living Knowledge without gaps. But already, two thousand years ago Jesus Christ had prophetically referred to one who would come and who would “guide you into all Truth”. Naturally, it is for each earnest seeker of Truth who examines the Grail Message objectively, to decide for them whether or not it contains “all Truth” in fulfillment of Jesus’ prophetic words. (John...)

One unique aspect of the Grail Message is that it is so structured and uses language in such a way as to make its all-embracing knowledge of human life in Creation both accessible and enlightening for every truly seeking person; be they highly educated or not.

Human Beings in Creation

Intrinsic to our nature as human beings is a restless inner drive and desire to know. This also applies to our wish to know the true nature of life and, in particular, to know the true nature and life of our own being. Together with other key questions of existence, this has occupied the attention of some of the best human minds, philosophers, religionists, and scientists throughout the ages to this day. Through the Grail Message, we learn that the original life-core or living essence of the human being is spirit. In other words, we are at the core, human spiritual beings. Spirit is actually “that which I am”.

Moreover, we also learn that the spiritual core within our human makeup is the only actual life that we truly are; our true original self or ego. As our actual life, the spirit core radiates or glows through and animates the several cloaks or coverings around it, including the outermost covering of the physical body. Therefore, in the final analysis, we come to realize that the physical body which the spirit needs in order to experience life in this physical World of Gross Matter, has no life in itself. It is only a physical gross material instrument of embodiment for the spirit.

This is why throughout the ages to this day individuals of all races have known through experience the phenomenon of being “out-of-body”. Even in these materialistic times, significant numbers of people still have experiences of being outside of their physical bodies. Often, this happens through “near-death” experiences during periods when a patient would be deemed clinically dead. Such cases are well documented.

This phenomenon confirms that we are not the physical body or brain-instrument; nor any of its products which include the intellect, (composed of thoughts), feelings, emotions, instincts, or even imagination. The human spirit, the inner life force, the actual human being, is completely “immaterial”; composed of an entirely different species of energy and substance, completely alien in origin and nature to those of the physical body which originates in the earthly physical World of Gross Matter.

Understanding this, which many advanced ancient peoples did, far better than so-called modern human beings, also provides the logical basis for the correct and enduring belief in other phenomena such as life after (physical) death, reincarnation, communication with loved ones who have already passed over, ghosts, haunting, and many other things besides.

Once we have come to recognize that we are actually human spirits, (the immaterial ghost in the physical gross material machine) other questions then naturally arise: what is the origin of our spiritual species within the Creation? Why are we here, and how did we come to be here in a physical body in this physical gross material world, of which the earth is a part?

Through the Grail Message we are now able to understand that when it comes to these deeper questions of life as such, unfortunately, our current mainstream form of science is completely out of its depth. The reason for this is that the human intellect is the main driver of mainstream science today. Extraordinary though its capabilities are in the material world, as we can see from the rapidly advancing technologies, nevertheless, in the final analysis, the human intellect is only a product of the physical gross material brain. This means that intellect, together with thoughts and other gross material products of the physical body-brain complex such as instincts, feelings, and imagination, are all, and will always remain, gross material in nature. This is in spite of their varying degrees of fineness and intangibility! This limitation also naturally applies even to the most powerful instruments of science as well as to the various frequencies of quantum particles and radiations which science knows about, albeit in part. It is a Natural Law that nothing can ever go beyond the basic nature and scope of its own origin. For this completely natural and logical reason a purely intellect-based consciousness, perceptivity, and intelligence can never directly access or probe into the even greater and higher planes of existence in the so-called beyond.

It is not yet widely understood that being intellect-dominant (as most human beings proudly are today) is, in fact, an unnatural consequence of human beings having embarked upon wrong courses of human development. This led to what certain ancient writings have described as the “fall of man”. Over many thousands of years, the continuing fall of humanity has been driven by the ever-increasing focus of our life-energy, time, and attention mainly on earthly gross material things whilst neglecting the development and maturing of our spirit – our real-life ego, our true self. Being thus wrongly and one-sidedly over-engaged with material reality, and neglecting the inner spiritual life core along with all of its multidimensional perceptive qualities and abilities, the earthbound intellect thereby became correspondingly one-sidedly over-developed and dominant.

This is a serious condition of actual narrow-mindedness; because the higher spiritual consciousness and perceptive abilities that transcend the earthly have thereby been greatly diminished. Moreover, because intellect is a product of the material brain its range of perceptivity and comprehension is limited only to physical gross material realities, which itself has varying degrees and frequencies of fineness – but still it remains within the fields of the gross material.

Having defined itself or locked itself into this one-dimensional gross material corner of reality, modern mainstream science, in spite of all its tremendous earthly advances, cannot provide any simple, clear, and logical knowledge of human life as such. Only about our body-brain instrument and still relatively little about the outer earthbound intellectual mind! All of which are tremendous and yet only the tip of the iceberg of human life and reality.

Yet the origin and destiny of every human being, objectively speaking, lies far beyond these lower gross material worlds. The Grail Message explains and details all of this with unassailable logic and clarity.

Given the unmatchable comprehensiveness of the knowledge of Creation and its Laws contained in the Grail Message, this short summary was written with the clear knowledge that no summary of it could ever really do it justice. It is a Work of High Source that earnest seekers of Truth are invited to read with objectivity.

Order: In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message
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In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message [Book Review]
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In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message ? Book Review + Criticism

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L. Brown in ref to: The Grail Message
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This work is a clear and concise indicator of the creation laws
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Examining an idea
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This is a comprehensive review of a comprehensive book. I was, initially, unsure as to whether the level of detail would be palatable to a wider audience but, on reflection, a review serves little purpose if it fails to fully acquaint one with the meat of the original content. This piece will firmly push the curious reader to seek the source material or gently ward off the less-desirous.
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Review of the work in the Light of Truth
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Very comprehensive and clearly articulate review of the work. Certainly this book contains a sea of knowledge which is invaluable for the spiritual maturity of the mankind.
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In The light of Truth
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Knowing a little about the work , I can clearly see where the reviewer is taking the seeker, it’s clearly written but to much as been revealed to quickly, rather than the seeker finding it for themselves...

However I feel strongly that it’s time for this valued information

Beechcroft Retreats
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Understanding our questions
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This brief review of The Grail Message is well written easy read and explains the purpose of this book. Mr. Brown highlights the the book raises the questions we ask ourselves as humans which the answers can be found both within and within this historic piece of visionary writing and understanding. It also highlights very quickly the sole importance of the human spirit. This review makes me far more determined to finish The Grail Message and to activate its knowledge and my beliefs into action.
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