Cycloferon: A Full-Spectrum Antiviral and Remdesivir Alternative?


Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.

A Full-Spectrum Antiviral and Remdesivir Alternative?

Cycloferon is a notable immune-boosting medicine and interferon hack that's come on my radar in the course of my research into COVID-19 treatments.

It's a direct anti-viral that blocks the reproduction of the viral infection, and to this effect it's fast-acting, its treatment course is between several days to a week, so you'll know quickly if it's working for you.

Enraging Fact
Scientific Evidence
Prevents and Treats Influenza
Acute Respiratory Viral Infection (ARVI) Treatment
Interferon Production
Prevention of COVID-19 and SARS
Dosage and Usage

This article is mostly going to focus on decoding what the human studies are saying about Cycloferon and how this squares up with the anecdotal experiences of Biohackers online. For more of my own personal experiences, thoughts, and comparisons please see the written and video reviews in the sidebar.

 Enraging Fact

The pharmaceutical giant Gilead, which received about $70 million in taxpayer dollars will sell its COVID-19 drug Remdesivir for between $2000 - $4,460 per treatment course, so thousands of dollars for ten days' worth of pills. The manufacturing cost for that standard Remdesivir course is shockingly low, $9-$10. That's amazing right, the more I learn about big pharma, the more I wish that hell was a real place because some people really do deserve to go there. Because of the psychopathic greed of big pharma, we need to look to affordable alternatives like Cycloferon.

 Scientific Evidence

It's been widely studied since the turn of the millennia, over 160 published scientific papers can be found on Pubmed along with 52 human clinical trials, this is a substantial amount of science for us to delve into.

 Prevents and Treats Influenza

A multi-center Russian trial was done with over 500 Influenza and Acute Respiratory Tract Viral Infection patients, the Cycloferon treatment was highly effective, those who received it had approximately 10% occurrence of infection compared with those who did not receive it.

The complicated forms of the disease were recorded in 1.5% of the patients treated with cycloferon and in 10.5 and 11.3% of the patients not treated with cycloferon.

From a 2017 meta-analysis and systematic reviewClinical efficacy of the immunomodulatory agent cycloferon (tablets) in viral respiratory infections 

Thus, the use of cycloferon to treat and prevent acute viral respiratory infections showed a more than 5-fold increase in the probability of avoiding the disease or enduring the latter in a mild form.

cycloferon viral respiratory infections

Several of the trials combined it with other drugs and therapies...

  • A 2012 trial totaling 238 patients with Widespread Forms of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. noted an uptick in successful outcomes of treatment.
  • A mammoth 2015 study of over 6000 patients with Advanced Pulmonary Tuberculosis concurred and concluded: The effect of Cycloferon in such cases was likely due to both its direct immunoprotective action and the improvement of the general state of the patients and their higher adherence to the treatment. I'll point out that the patients stuck with the Cycloferon treatment, making it more effective, this speaks to the general safety and tolerability of the medicine. Many Tuberculosis drugs are very unpleasant, and patients have problems staying on them, this is where Cycloferon stands out.
  • 100 Patients with manifest HPV infection received Cycloferon in a 2010 trial, noted that it is well tolerated, is not painful, and increased the effectiveness of an immunophysiotherapy course of treatment to empower the immune system to suppress the nasty infection.
  • While it's not a Nootropic, a 2015 trial asserts that it can be used in combination with the drug Reamberin® to treat recurrent depressive disorders.

 Acute Respiratory Viral Infection (ARVI) Treatment

The Results of Multicenter Randomized Trials published in 2019, notes a 2.9-7.2-fold decrease of the morbidity and that...

The marked cytoprotective effect, evident from lower destruction of the epithelial cells and increased activity of the local nonspecific resistance factors (lysozyme, secretory immunoglobulin A) was observed.

 Interferon Production

Interferon immune mechanism 899

Interferons are a crucial immune system component. A 2012 clinical trial gave the drug to 35 healthy volunteers to evaluate its effect on Interferon production...

It is established that cycloferon induces the production of early alpha-IFN within [24 hours] from the moment of drug introduction.

 Prevention of COVID-19 and SARS

Coronavirus SARS virusThe most recent piece of scientific literature published was a 2019 Russian Meta-Analysis, which analyzed over 500 papers evaluating and comparing Cycloferon with other Upper Respiratory Tract Infection treatments. The two takeaways from this were

  • It added 25% to absolute and relative usefulness of medical intervention.
  • Increased the chances of recovery from infection by 3.5 times.

In early 2020, Cycloferon's manufacturer Polysan donated the medicine to fight COVID-19 in the Philippines.


I did search the internet for anecdotal accounts of Cycloferon treatment and didn't turn up much on English-language forums or Reddit, but I did come across some interesting #Cycloferon Tweets

It’s Russian and FDA approval process is too lengthy and too expensive for any Russian company. The only substance which can fight any virus is Immune Hormone Interferon and Cycloferon is it’s inductor. I tried it many times and and against COVID-19, too. It is Very effective. - Shon Zhankin

Once i had weird disease - sudden high fever with total absence of any other symptoms. Took Amixin and Cycloferone in tablets, next day fever was down and third day it went back to normal. When i take Cycloferon 3 ts now after going out for prophylaxis i feel no changes at all - @zagitovaalina

Also, an interesting comment left on the Limitless Mindset subreddit is worth quoting

...discovered the drug on my holiday in Russia.

I was feeling like I was getting sick, you know the classic feverish state with a mildly irritated throat, watering eyes and runny nose. I couldnt afford getting sick because my holiday was not that long and I wanted to enjoy it to the full potential. I went to a random Russian pharmacy and asked them for their recommendations. I wasn't expecting much because Im used to European pharmacies selling you a bunch of vitamin supplements, anti inflamatory drugs and charging you 50 euros. To my surprise I was given a pack of cycloferon, apparently very commun in Russia. I drunk 4 tablets as recommended the first day, waking up the next day feeling as good as new. I finished the full course as indicated and did not get sick. Im surprised that we cant get this stuff in european pharmacies




A 20 tablet (150 mg/tab) Cycloferon package is under 20 euros from RUPharma.

 Dosage and Usage

Take the entire dose together once daily, no need to split up doses, take it on an empty stomach with water about 30 minutes before a meal.

  • 4 tablets (600 mg) daily is the recommended dose for treating flu and acute respiratory infections that you would want to take for 7 days and then take a break.
  • To treat severe influenza, take 6 tablets (900 mg) on the first day and 4 tablets (600 mg) on subsequent days.

 Risk Grade: B+

The most recent human study done was a safety evaluation of the drug, it found that just 2.5% of fever patients given it experienced negative side effects and... 

All of them were mild and did not require discontinuation of the drugs use.

In several clinical trials, it was administered to children and, with an absence of notable adverse side effects, it can be considered safe for children. From a Cycloferon efficacy study:

A study on the effects of Cycloferon on the body showed that the drug does not adversely affect vital organs, in particular the liver, because it is not metabolized in it. It does not stay in the body and is excreted by the kidneys unchanged within a day after administration


As far as Coronavirus biohacks go, Cycloferon is a pretty good valueA couple of the clinical trials pointed out that it's modern, cost-effective medicine.

The study showed a high clinical and cost-effectiveness of [Cycloferon] compared to traditional [methods], that allows to recommend it for the provision of specialized medical care in the treatment of patients with infectious and complicated gunshot fractures...

Concluded a Russian study done at a hospital in Yemen, where they used it to battle infections resulting from gunshot wounds. Hopefully, you're not going to get COVID-19 (or shot) anytime soon but...

"It's not just you. Things are getting crazier out there..." to paraphrase the 2019 film, Joker

Considering its wide-spectrum anti-viral effects, safety, and affordability it's a medicine that deserves a place in the antifragile biohacker's prepping warchest.



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