Phenibut capsules

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Phenibut capsules
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.

I discovered that Phenibut is not just a relaxing hangover-free alternative to booze, it can also be something of a relationship Biohack.

A lot of guys, when dealing with an upset woman bring a knife to a pillow fight, by bombarding their woman with logic when she really just needs a little emotional validation. Thus, I discontinued the conversation about social media and was non-reactive to the air of the awkwardness that swept into our little hotel room by the sea. I did a few things on my computer for a few minutes and then I took the advice of pickup guru extraordinaire RSD Max, I held my girl, kissed her passionately, and whispered a few sweet nothings in her ears.

I gave her some Phenibut to take before we went to the beach. About 500 milligrams, two capsules of Phenibut, enough to relax you but not really intoxicate you. The awkwardness between us persisted for about another 30 minutes. A man might be inclined to respond to this situation by being silent, stoic, and serious — instead, I was talkative and chatty, telling her random stories knowing that the Phenibut would soon relieve the tension. She was quiet and attentive (if maybe a little bit blase) but I persisted in my verbal bamboozling.

By the time we had gotten horizontal on the sand, my girl had transformed back into her chatty, witty, inquisitive self.


500 milligrams of Phenibut turned out to be ideal for a day at the beach. It relaxed me enough to drift away from my worries and thoroughly enjoy the book I was reading.

If you’re dealing with an upset significant other try giving them some Phenibut. It might work wonders!

Mind Power Products

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Supplement or Drug

  • Certificate of Analysis by 3rd Party Lab
  • Good Manufacturing Practice Certified
Type of Consumable
Pill or Capsule
Nootropic Ingredients


Phenibut capsules


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This Gabaergic is a "Relationship Hack" ? Biohacker Review of Phenibut

Editor review

1 review
Phenibut is a relationship hack
(Updated: November 26, 2018)
Overall rating
Good value
Makes you feel 'Limitless' - Improves memory
Ability to focus
Energy and productivity
Wakefulness and alertness
Social Confidence
Verbal ability
Phenibut by PowderCity Review: A Devious Lifestyle Tool...
Phenibut is a Relationship Hack - Review of Double Wood Supplements
This Gabaergic is a "Relationship Hack" ? Biohacker Review of Phenibut
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