Memantine Canon

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Memantine Canon
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.

Biohacker ReviewMemantine Makes Caffeine Great Again!

I did one little blue tablet in the morning along with a capsule of Uridine, 10 milligrams of Noopept, and my adaptogenic herbs. Then I went to my favorite cafe to hang out and work on my laptop; I usually drink two large cafe Americanos, about 45 minutes later halfway through my first coffee memantine's effects were becoming quite noticeable;

  • I was quite energetic and motivated.
  • I was pretty creative and in a good mood.
  • I ordered a second coffee but only drank half of it as I felt pretty wired.
  • After working several hours I took a little break to read a book. I found the book very engrossing and intellectually stimulating - I had trouble putting it down!
  • I noticed that day that my vision was just a little impaired, which is not good because my eyes are pretty bad, to begin with.
  • By the end of the day, though I had mixed feelings about Memantine, I felt quite frazzled and socially awkward. My motor control seemed a little off as well, and my typing was a little inaccurate, although I was motivated to work pretty late into the night.

In the future, I'll isolate Memantine and caffeine or Memantine and Racetams.

Day 2
I did a single memantine in the morning and then went to my favorite cafe. I had two large coffees like normal and the effect of the memantine was barely noticeable. Thankfully the vision impairment did not return. This time I isolated the caffeine. I didn't do any other smart drugs that day. There were no cognitive fireworks like the day before.

Day 3
Today I did Noopept and Uridine - no caffeine along with 10 milligrams of Memantine. I didn't notice a particularly potent effect from the Noopept or Uridine. I'm not sure if I like Memantine, I do kind of feel like I'm on drugs when I use it. I don't quite feel like myself on it. The upside is unimpressive.

Day 4
I did 10 milligrams again with two strong coffees. Nothing special to report.

Day 5
Getting a little bored with 10 milligrams I upped the dose to two little blue tablets, 20 milligrams. Wow.
I did two tablets in the morning on an empty stomach and about 40 minutes later had a strong coffee.
After a few minutes, I had a visceral sensation of blood rushing into the front of my brain, it was a bit euphoric.
I drank a second coffee and was quite wired by the caffeine for about 5 hours.
It suppressed my appetite and I had a late lunch.
20 milligrams of memantine and caffeine is a pretty good stack!

I stopped using Memantine because it just makes me feel a little odd and there are plenty of good Nootropics that have a similar stimulating effect. I also noticed that it hurts my sleep quality; I tossed and turned for hours late into the night a couple of times after combining Memantine and coffee, especially if I was drinking coffee in the midafternoon. I now use a little bit of pharma-grade Nicotine to complement my morning caffeine dose.

About Memantine

An NMDA receptor antagonist used to treat Alzheimer's disease from moderately severe to severe symptoms. It works by protecting NMDA receptors from the chemicals in the brain that may cause the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Akatinol Memantine also improves cognition, mood, behavior, and enhances the ability to perform daily activities.


  • Treat Dementia of Alzheimer's Type, Vascular Dementia, Mixed Dementia From Moderate to Severe
  • Eliminate Cerebral and Spinal Spastic Syndrome, Originated From Traumatic Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke
  • Improve Cognition, Learning, Memory
  • Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms

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30 pack, 10mg/pill EUR30

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Memantine Canon


Memantine a Non-Nootropic NMDA Biohack for Resetting Tolerance

Editor review

1 review
Memantine Makes Caffeine Great Again!
(Updated: October 06, 2021)
Overall rating
Good value
Makes you feel 'Limitless' - Improves memory
Ability to focus
Energy and productivity
Wakefulness and alertness
Social Confidence
Verbal ability
#1 Reviewer 245 reviews
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