Amino Code by Ultra Human

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Amino Code by Ultra Human
By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.

Biohacker ReviewAn Ultra Vacation

I took the two products with me on an 8-day vacation to the black sea seaside, Amino Code and Ultra Keto+MCTsPeople tend to totally cheat on their diets while on vacation because they booze at night and then wake up hungover and binge on pizza, junk food, or snacks.

My significant other and I had a fabulous time in the sun.

  • We did a bit of cheating on our diet and drinking BUT not every day and taking the Keto boosters in the mornings we managed to resist the temptation to splurge on junk food in the morning.
  • We stayed pretty active the whole time and did activities every day.
  • I managed to read most of the book I brought.
  • On vacation, we had quite vigorous sex at least twice a day - for 8 days! This is a pretty good male performance for me. This probably has more to do with my liberal usage of Horny Goat Weed though than the Keto boosters.
  • A girl who is a kickboxing instructor issued me a bit of a video challenge, in response one morning I created this silly video of me practicing martial arts on the beach.

Intermittent Daily Fasting

5 days a week, try to practice what the world's leading anti-aging researchers and biohackers recommend enthusiastically, a daily fast of about 16 hours. Do all your eating and snacking within an 8-hour window; for most people, this means eating a large, filling dinner around 9 PM, going to bed, skipping breakfast, and eating a substantial lunch with lots of healthy fats around 1 PM. This puts your body into a ketogenic state; burning fat instead of glutamate.

  • At first, it may be excruciating to fast for 16 hours but quickly you get used to it and it doesn't really bother you.
  • Skipping breakfast and snacks ends up saving you quite a bit of time and money.
  • Avoid eating carbs, sugar, or bread especially when you're fasting as your body will switch back over to glutamate.
  • As long as you're feeding your brain lots of the healthy fats it needs, you'll have plenty of energy.

If you’re really obsessive about really optimizing your morning you’ll want to dose some pharma grade Amino acids along with the MCTs and whatever else your morning keto stack entails.

amino code 493Amino Code by Ultra Human, their Amino Acid Matrix is designed for maximum NNU (net nitrogen utilization) for faster human muscle tissue recovery and optimized metabolism for/accelerated fat loss. It’s free of... Sugars, Dyes and Artificial Sweeteners have been associated with stomach discomfort, bloating, allergic reactions, insulin spikes... 
Aminos studied in human trials treating epilepsy demonstrated it as effective in optimizing ketosis:

Although our data are preliminary, we suggest that branched chain amino acids may increase the effectiveness of the ketogenic diet and the diet could be more easily tolerated by the patients because of the change in the ratio of fat to protein.

What I like about this morning ketosis cocktail is that these performance enhancers work on totally different neurobiological mechanisms than Racetams, Modafinil, or other common smart drugs which is great news for long term Nootropics users who have built up a tolerance to cognitive enhancers that they have to take at increasing dosages for increasingly underwhelming results.

The Ultra Human Protocol

If you're considering investing a not-insignificant chunk of change on a keto booster like this you'll want to give a listen to a thorough podcast discussion I had with Jason of Ultra Human about how to plan and execute a hardcore 90-day productivity sprint (includes a beautiful infographic worth a gander!)

About Amino Code

What’s in Your Amino?

Amino Code is the finest Amino Acid product in the world. Combining Ultra High Grade Amino Acids in Precision Engineered Ratio's with high absorption mineral electrolytes and coconut water to bring a new generation of 'True Performance' to the forefront. Ultra Human's Amino Acid Matrix is designed for maximum NNU (net nitrogen utilization) for faster human muscle tissue recovery and optimized metabolism for/accelerated fat loss. Sugars, Dyes and Artificial Sweeteners have been associated with stomach discomfort, bloating, allergic reactions, insulin spikes... So, we ditched them all and went Ultra Human on it.

INVEST at least $200 in your health with Ultra Human and get a Biohacking consultation

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Amino Code by Ultra Human
Amino Code by Ultra Human

User reviews

1 review
Overall rating
Good value
Makes you feel 'Limitless' - Improves memory
Ability to focus
Energy and productivity
Wakefulness and alertness
Social Confidence
Verbal ability
Empowered An Ultra Vacation
Overall rating
Good value
Makes you feel 'Limitless' - Improves memory
Ability to focus
Energy and productivity
Wakefulness and alertness
Social Confidence
Verbal ability
#1 Reviewer 251 reviews
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