Clean Chlorella

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Clean Chlorella

Clean Chlorella™ is the world's cleanest chlorella.

Nearly all chlorella that's commercially grown contains aluminum and arsenic because it's grown outdoors where chemtrails and other pollutants contaminate the air. This air falls onto the chlorella farms, and because chlorella is so good at holding onto metals, the metals accumulate in chlorella: Aluminum, Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead and Mercury.

What people are saying about Clean Chlorella...

Love the product

Love the product. Dear "Mr" I purchased the bigger can and it came in BPA free plastic bag, when I asked the same question I did get a quick and good response from the health ranger staff. I will probably buy the can again next time because i'm ok wit the bag. I'm not sure how they package it in Japan, but I imagine moisture contamination is always the biggest issue (which is why i'm ok with the bag. Anyway just my take. I too came over to health ranger from mercola because I like the fact that he test's his products with a machine and is honest about the results. Anyway good luck up north! ;)

HRS outdid themselves with this product

Clean Chlorella Powder and Tablets have probably saved my life. They are the best heavy metal detoxifiers that can be taken with a meal (I have chronic long-standing mercury, aluminum and arsenic poisoning), and I take them every day. The powder I sprinkle directly on contaminated food (which is most food) and the tablets I swallow after a meal for a slower detox. They are both right up there with Pectasol (which contains purified Sodium Alginate) which I take every morning on an empty stomach. They are also a superb food, and at present are my only source of chlorophyll. And one portion of 25 tablets contains 59% of the daily value for vitamin A and 27% for Vitamin D. I have tried other Chlorella products and am allergic to them, and have found ALL Spirulina products (including Earthrise) to be contaminated. Mike Adams, you outdid yourself with your research on Clean Chlorella; I think this product is your gift to the world. My only complaint is with the packaging: they are packaged in plastic-coated aluminum foil. What makes you think that no aluminum molecules get through that thin plastic film? I'm telling you that they do. I would give that package a B- rating. Have you ever tested that form of packaging? So I have to bite the bullet and empty the package into a non-toxic plastic package as soon as I receive my order.

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Mind Power Products

Money back guarantee Buy Clean Chlorella

Supplement or Drug

  • Certificate of Analysis by 3rd Party Lab
  • Certified Organic
  • Gluten Free
  • Good Manufacturing Practice Certified
  • Vegan Friendly
Type of Consumable
Pill or Capsule


Clean Chlorella
Clean Chlorella

Editor review

1 review
An Excellent Compliment to Piracatam
Overall rating
Good value
Makes you feel 'Limitless' - Improves memory
Ability to focus
Energy and productivity
Wakefulness and alertness
Social Confidence
Verbal ability
I'm a big fan of Alpha GPC in concert with Piracatam. I like my Piracatam dosage strong and around 4 Grams daily I start to get a bit of a headache from the Piracatam. Add an Acetycholine precursor to the mix and this headache goes away, I feel super empowered and energetic baut not tense. I also took Alpha GPC several times pre-workout to improve my mind-body coordination. I felt slightly more coordinated athletically but can't say for certain if it helped.

I took Alpha GPC on it's own in various dosages and didn't get a whole lot of mind power results. Acetycholine, while a super important neurotransmitter doesn't make you significantly different like boosting your feel good neurotransmitters (Dopamine and Serotonin) does.
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