Just Relax: Mental Balance Supplement

Just Relax: Mental Balance Supplement

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Just Relax: Mental Balance Supplement
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.

Biohacker ReviewTakes the edge off

Lately, two capsules of Just Relax have been taking the edge off for me in the evenings. I'm in the midst of a day 90 break from booze so I sometimes need a little pharmacological help unwinding after a long day of work. I find that two to three capsules put me in a very relaxed state without knocking me out so I can enjoy a book in the mid-evening.

I'm a big fan of taking this kind of stack a few hours before bed, as it helps me wind down so I fall right asleep, slumber deeply, and arise the next morning feeling awesome. I do recommend it in combination with NeuroActive's Deep Sleep, which will knock you right out when the time comes.

I've been getting some seriously solid sleep lately by actually using NeuroActive's anxiolytic stacks with some biohacking tech.

I fall asleep effortlessly, but the way I can tell I'm getting better sleep than ever is that in the first hour of my day upon waking, I don't find myself making little mistakes in my work on the computer. I know I've got some imperfect sleep when in the early morning I notice myself missing things; copy-pasting in the wrong place, misplacing meta-tags, leaving my toiletries in the wrong place in the bathroom, losing tracks of browser tabs, etc. Being cognitively on point by 7:30 AM is obviously great for my productivity!

About stacking sleep supplements with sleep tech, around 40 minutes before bedtime (often while enjoying a documentary), I will attach this PEMF device to the back of my head, entraining my brain with sedating delta waves. If I want to take this to the next level I'll simultaneously listen to a 0.5-4 Hz binaural beat, for auditory-induced entrainment.

IC Hummer
Category: Mind Hardware

Then I turn off the wifi, undress, get in bed, and for 10-15 minutes shine my red light therapy device on my back while I cuddle with my wife and we chit-chat about the day.

Red Light Therapy: Near Infrared Light Device
5.0 (2)
Category: Mind Hardware

And I am out like a lark (are larks sleep hackers?)

Stacking Just Relax, Deep Sleep, PEMF, and the red light therapy I actually managed to get to sleep in about 10 minutes WITHOUT soothing rain noises playing in our bedroom - which, for the longest time, I needed to get to sleep as I have mild tinnitus. Quiet nighttime can be hell for those with Tinnitus as it's when our ears seem to scream at us the loudest, making it hard to get to sleep.

HRV scoresSpeaking of biohacking tech, I did a meditation session about 20 minutes after taking 3 capsules with my red light shining on my head and my HeartMath device like normal. My HRV score was high and I finished the session feeling freakin' fantastic!

Let's look at a few of the stack's ingredients and discuss their synergies...

  • Ashwagandha - The anti-anxiety adaptogen used in Indian traditional medicine. There are 30 published scientific papers on the herb's effect on sleep. A 2021 meta-analysis published in PLoS One notes that it improved both sleep quantity and sleep quality along with mental alertness on rising, anxiety level, and quality of life.
  • L-Theanine - The tranquilizing ingredient that gives you a cool, creative head after drinking green tea. 
  • L-Tryptophan - I didn't know much about it other than, it's what makes you tired after thanksgiving turkey dinner. Ben Greenfield writes about it in BoundlessWhen tryptophan accumulates in your blood, it crosses the blood-brain barrier and is converted into 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), a precursor of serotonin. 5-HT is also a precursor of melatonin in your pineal gland and causes lethargy and drowsiness.
  • Lemon Balm Extract - There are 17 scientific papers on this nutriceutical and sleep. A 2019 French-Polish clinical trial notes that in combination with Melatonin, and Vitamin B6 (another ingredient of Just Relax) it may be a godsend to those struggling with mild-to-moderate insomnia.
  • B-Vitamins - Are not really sedating but they play important roles in the regulation of healthy sleep cycles and deficiencies will hurt your sleep quality or can even cause insomnia. It includes Vitamin B3 (Niacin) which is super-important, your PARP system needs it to repair while you sleep the damage that EMFs do to your genes (another good reason to turn off the wifi at bedtime).

About product

✔ Supports a normal daily stress response and a healthy mood balance
✔ Helps alleviate anxiety symptoms and supports overall well-being
✔ Makes you feel calmer, more relaxed and at peace with your surroundings
✔ Supports natural serotonin production
✔ Stimulates the nervous system to cool down and protect against exhaustion

from goneuroactive.com

About NeuroActive

This is a new vendor that I'm pleased to be working with serving European Biohackers, a good group of folks that sometimes have trouble getting their hands on quality Nootropics and anti-aging stuff, especially since Brexit and COVID policies have made importing packages even trickier in the European Union. Good news, NeuroActive is based in the EU (actually, they are in Bulgaria where I live) so they can deliver reliably here on the continent minimizing the hassle of paperwork and negotiating with import office bureaucrats.

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  • Certified Organic
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HRV scores meditating with red light on Just Relax


? Sleep is a Nootropic ? Stacking sleep supplements and “sleep tech” for serious slumber

Editor review

1 review
Lately, two capsules of Just Relax have been taking the edge off for me in the evenings.
Overall rating
Good value
Makes you feel 'Limitless' - Improves memory
Ability to focus
Energy and productivity
Wakefulness and alertness
Social Confidence
Verbal ability
HRV scores meditating with red light on Just Relax
? Sleep is a Nootropic ? Stacking sleep supplements and “sleep tech” for serious slumber
#1 Reviewer 245 reviews
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