I'm Ampakined UP! [Biohacker Review]

Aniracetam Capsules

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Aniracetam Capsules
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.

Biohacker ReviewI'm Ampakined UP!

Aniracetam is an Ampakinic smart drug that DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has actually experimented with. So perhaps they are feeding it to the aliens at Area 51, or maybe it's what they give to the (very bored) government employees who spy on us through our webcams and smart TVs.

Conspiracy theorizing aside, Aniracetam is good for my memory, but it's not my favorite Racetam. I have noticeably less discipline, energy, and focus than while dosed on it compared with other Racetams I've done biohacker trials with. It's not very energizing, so if you are trying to avoid stimulants, Aniracetam may be a good option for you. For me, I like smart drugs that put me into this intensely focused zone, so I usually stack it with Piracetam or caffeine and L-theanine stack (like 1-2 GO from Pure Nootropics)

It's supposed to be a solution for social anxiety, and I used to have pretty bad social anxiety, but I've made such a lifestyle of getting way outside of my social comfort zone that I just can't tell much of a difference between my baseline sociability and Aniracetam.

I'm going to categorize Aniracetam as being a good smart drug for guys who have jobs that attractive girls in bars aren't very interested in hearing about.
It's a good drug for focusing on boring technical problem-solving, programming, or website development. I'm a Joomla developer, and I find that if I do between 1500 milligrams and 3000 milligrams of Aniracetam, I'll be a pretty boring person. You wouldn't want to hang out with me, but I'll get my work done.

I dropped three capsules, 2400 milligrams total, and felt a little more focused than I usually do. On another day, I took four capsules (3200 milligrams), which felt about the same. In the past, I had experienced breakthrough brain training scores while on Aniracetam, however, this go-around my brain-training scores on Aniracetam have not been outstandingly good or bad.

Powdered Aniracetam is still a whole lot better value, but it has downsides...

$18.99 30 X 750 milligrams = 22.5 grams
$36.98 60 X 750 milligrams = 45 grams
$24.95 75 grams (powdered)

As I've talked about before, Aniracetam is unpleasant to consume in powdered form. I dump it in a glass of water, stir it up, and it's still really clumpy - the clumps I choke on half the time. Of all the weird drugs and supplements I've tried, this only happens to me with Aniracetam.
However, there's a bit of a life hack for this: drop a dissolving Vitamin C tablet in it, and the Aniracetam will dissolve, too.

I was traveling recently, and I was transporting several baggies of powdered (and labeled) smart drugs across international borders. While the TSA didn't pull me out of line and check my luggage, I imagine that they would have grilled me thoroughly about my suspicious-looking white powders. This is a scenario that travelers can avoid by using capsuled smart drugs.

4 stars blue


Update🤣 "It's a great smart drug for guys with jobs that attractive ladies find boring" is what I said in my review vlog, BUT I was WRONG - actually, on my second date with my (now) wife, I showed her my giant stash of smart drugs, and she was FASCINATED. So there's your dating tip, gents!

Aniracetam is a nootropic drug that can help promote increased learning and enhance cognitive abilities.

  • Improve memory formation (reference)
  • Fast acting / potent Racetam (ref)
  • Anxiety / depression / stress relief (ref)
  • Used to treat Alzheimer’s/elderly senile dementia (ref)

Mind Power Products

Money back guarantee Buy Aniracetam
On Social Media

Supplement or Drug

  • Certificate of Analysis by 3rd Party Lab
  • Certified Organic
  • Gluten Free
  • Good Manufacturing Practice Certified
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Pharmaceutical Grade
  • Vegan Friendly
Type of Consumable
Pill or Capsule
Nootropic Ingredients


Aniracetam Capsules
Aniracetam Capsules
Aniracetam Capsules


Aniracetam Nootropic
I'm Ampakined UP! ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Biohacker Review of Aniracetam


  • File Description
    File Size
    File Type
  • CoA-of-Aniracetam-10-02-14-86-1430615357
    200 KB
  • PN-A030415-46-1430615368
    242 KB

Editor review

1 review
I'm Ampakined UP!
(Updated: October 02, 2022)
Overall rating
Good value
Makes you feel 'Limitless' - Improves memory
Ability to focus
Energy and productivity
Wakefulness and alertness
Social Confidence
Verbal ability
I'm Ampakined UP! ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Biohacker Review of Aniracetam
#1 Reviewer 245 reviews
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