January Biohacking Q&A

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.

I've started doing something new (seeing as it's the new year). I'll be answering some of the Biohacking and lifehacking questions I get in the Q&A podcasts you'll find below.

With the frivolity of New Year's revelry behind us, I answer your questions and comments spanning from Biohacking and Nootropics to lifestyle philosophy and beyond.

 Listen to this podcast on the go with the Castbox app here

#1 Questions


re/Diet supplements


Nicotine USP Solution - for blazing metabolism


Ethical Hedonism? = Self Deception How would you discover that this is true?


ReadLifehacking Ethical Hedonism: Make Good Decisions on Autopilot & Be the ROCKSTAR Forever


Does [Tianeptine] have any adverse effects on the libido or ability to get or keep an erection?


The Limitless Orgasms Protocol - Cultivate yourself as a tantric man


I don't respond to Modafinil I've tried it many many times. I also got a genetic test showing that I had both defective copies of a COMT gene which correlates to responsiveness to modafinil. I have SEVERE ADHD and I'm really disappointed that modafinil doesn't work for me.


Caballo - The racetam-rich smart drug for cognitive capital

The Piracetam Protocol - For fully unleashing the iconic smart drug


hey, Jonathan, i love watching your videos, you have taught me a lot about bio hacking, life etc. is there anyway i can see your daily stack?


I log my daily stack here on Coach.me

Category: Apps & Software
  If you join Coach.me connect with me! I've got some wacky and seriously self-improving habits!


what are your thoughts about fasting, high fat diest low carb and sugar?? i have been reading a it increase mental focus, more time gaining in not cooking many meals a day, and other hormone benefits, i think that can relate very good to a limitless mindset, i am applying by myself with very good results but i wanna know your opinion.


Read: My $1 Diet Lifehack: Coconuts

Fast This Way by Dave Asprey

Fast This Way: Burn Fat, Heal Inflammation, and Eat Like the High-Performing Human You Were Meant to Be
Category: Book

#2 Questions


What you want to say about "CEREBRAULTRA" product??

Why Choose Pharmaceutical Grade Nootropics+3rd Party Verified Sources 

What a SCAM Nootropic looks like...


Re/Modafnil It's perfect if you get a puppy or have a baby and aren't able to sleep through the night for months at a time.

 Tyrosine - Do several grams to banish sleep deprivation

Rhodiola - "Herbal Modafinil"


You dont have a reverse omosis water filter didnt you know fluride decreases iq and accumulates in thr pineal gland.
Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Abstract In total, we identified 27 eligible epidemiological studies with high and reference exposures, end points of IQ scores, or related cognitive function measures with means and variances for the two exposure groups.
Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas.
Conclusion: The results support the possibility of an adverse effect of high fluoride exposure on children’s neurodevelopment.


I asked about this here on Longecity 

Do things to hack your IQ: Dual N-Back brain training, reading, writing, language learning, etc


Thanks for your reply I have great trouble sleeping at night and I was looking for something to boost my energy during the day and help with my anxiety. Any recommendations?

Meditation - The Blue Sky Meditation Protocol

Rhodiola - The energizing adaptogen


Hello Jonathan
I've read your articles regarding Dual-n Back and your experience with the game and I have a question regarding your experience: - do you have a strategy playing the game or you just try to stay focus with all
I want to begin to use this tool and I am clueless regarding this aspect. Some people say that you should use a strategy, other sugests the intuition aspect, others say that you just focus.
I would like to hear your opinion, if you have the time!


hey Johnathan, so after a year of having it, ive just finished my first 100g jar of phenibut from LiftMode. I will be purchasing more this week from another vendor to try out next. I just waned to ask if you have any other recommendations on other drugs I should get? I loved everything about phenibut but I was most surprised at how well it actually worked. I was taking 2.0-2.5g per dose with GREAT effects. Do you know of any other drugs that work as good as phenibut? I'm looking to experiment with new things so im not necessarily looking for something with the same effects but just something new that actually does work so I don't feel like I wasted my money. your advice would be greatly appreciated and thank you for making these videos!!

Phenibut - An amazing GABAergic

Phenylpiracetam - The Expensive Linear-Thought-Promoting Racetam

Piracetam - The godfather of smart drugs

Nicotine - The creativity drug

The Adaptogenic Nootropics Comparison


How do you recommend one to take Piracetam with Alpha GPC (i.e what alpha gpc dosage relative to piracetam)? Is it recommended to take Alpha GPC everyday?


1:4 ratio (1 gram Alpha GPC and 4 grams Piraceram)

#3 Questions


Hi Jonathon, I love your youtube channel. Ive been taking modafinil and armodafinil on and off for 3 years now. It is by far the best nootropic Ive tried so far, the last year Ive been on 1/8 armodafinil tab 4 or 5 days a week with outstanding results. Today I got a serious rash on my whole back and both legs, I think this is an allergic reaction, perhaps even a small steven johnson syndrome, and I got so scared I went to the hospital. The rashes disappeared after a couple of hours but now I dont really want to risk taking this substans anymore. Racetams works pretty well on me too but not even close to what moda does for me. Do you have any other suggestions that I can try, could adderal work as an alternative?


Rhodiola - Regarded as herbal Modafinil by some 

ALCAR - Great for stacking with the racetams 

Caballo a Modafinil Alternative


Thanks man. Your explain well. I am curious about taking coffee with adrafinil. I remember reading somewhere that it is a very bad combination and affects your liver terribly, but can't seem to find that site anymore. Do you know anything about this? By the way, for me the worst tasting nootropic is centrophenoxine. YUCK !!


Modafinil - A far superior option


Johnathan Roseland how's it going? I definitely share some interests with you and would love to talk soon. On a short question, I was wondering if you have anything to say about nootropicsource.com. I'm thinking about ordering from them tonight. I'll probably go ahead and order and I'll let you know if they're a worthwhile vendor.

Shop nootropicsource.com


I’ve enjoy you last several articles a lot. I’ve become especially interested in the idea of male contraceptive…if anything I’d probably treat it like the “pull-out” method…being a Russian roulette method of sorts. Therefore, it would just be something to help my odds. Unless of course, it ends up working well and provable. So have you found any good way of measuring the results? I was thinking I would have a look at my swimmers under a microscope before I begin the process. I know you can buy test kits but they’re a bit pricey and seem to be quite unreliable. What are your thoughts?


Herbal Birth Control - Natural contraceptive birth control options

Got Biohacking or Lifehacking Questions?

📨 Q&A Form

Submit them here and we will try to address them in an upcoming Q & A podcast.

Lean Life Coaching biohacking consulting

As mentioned in the podcast, this is a very lean biohacking consulting/life coaching program. Here's how this would work...

  • The Biohacking Consultation is 1 hour and 45 minutes total - which is actually two consulting calls.
  • First Call 1 hour - Discovery & Strategizing call, I need to ask you some questions, we'll discuss your history and outline a biohacking strategy and action plan to overcome your issues.
  • Second Call 45 minutes - Follow up call in 30 or 60 days to see how you're doing with the plan we outlined; how you've improved, what you're struggling with, etc

 There are a few important reasons we split the time up into two calls

  • It's a significant motivation hack for you to follow through on the biohacking habits and plan we'll outline because you're accountable to me in 30 or 60 days.
  • I'm incentivized to come up with an effective biohacking strategy for you because I have to talk to you after you've been following it for a month or two.
  • It timeboxes us with a deadline in 30 or 60 days for you to make improvements and accomplish your goals.

PLEASE fill out this form

Apply for Biohacking Consultation/Coaching

Take a few minutes to answer a few questions, if your issues are far outside my areas of expertise I'll decline the consultation. My time is finite and very valuable so I only want to spend it consulting the people I can really help. Thanks in advance for your understanding!

INVEST at least $100 in your own mind with these recommended sources and get a Biohacking consultation


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Get frequent free edifying content about Biohacking, Lifehacking, and my holistic pragmatic antifragility philosophy. This informative (and often entertaining!) Substack is about how to take advantage of the latest anti-aging and Biohacking science and where I dispense timely mindset nuggets, lifehacking tips, and my own musings.

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As you may have noticed this website contains affiliate links to products, supplements, and software programs. The small commissions we receive from sales of these products allow us to commit the time necessary to thoroughly researching which products are credible and will give you the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to upgrading your mind.

We have a strict philosophy of only endorsing or recommending products that we've found really work to help you upgrade your mind.

Thank you, sincerely, for your support!

Review or Affiliate Inquiries

We're eager to hear about new biohacking products, technologies, and quality supplements. I do review, write, and vlog about products that I think are worth the consideration of the 15,000 - 20,000 savvy health consumers that visit my site monthly and my 2000 newsletter subscribers.

I have some standards and specific things that I look for in the products I'd like to use myself and might recommend here on LimitlessMindset.com. Please submit this form with a little more information about your offering.

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Website by Roseland Digital