What a SCAM Nootropic looks like...

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.


This is a great example of what a likely illegitimate product looks like...

  • Contains the two red-flag ingredients of scam Nootropics; DMAE and Huperzine.
  • A simple yet functional e-commerce website.
  • Only a single photo on the entire website.
  • No 3rd party credibility on the website.
  • No case studies.
  • There are no real people on the website behind the product.
  • +1500 likes on Facebook but zero customer community online.

This content in addition to the various forum posts throwing this product under the bus has essentially put "Profiderall Labs" out of business. Hopefully, this will serve as an example to other scammy product marketers; don't enter the Nootropics industry unless you have a credible product that you are prepared to personally stand behind.

Another example of a shoddy supplement I tried...

Review of Mind Warrior Intellect: The 90's called and they want their supplement back!

I wouldn't call it an outright scam but Onnit’s Alpha Brain is Problematic AF! In my view, the cardinal sin that Alpha Brain commits is not proving that it contains the advertised ingredients. And Alpha Brain is not unique in this — this is a huge problem with the supplement industry in general. Nobody is verifying that supplements actually contain the vitamins, nutrients, and Nootropic ingredients on the label or listed on their website. 

Another video example of a shoddy Nootropic - Jonathan is not impressed with the over-the-counter Piracetam he picked up from a corner store farmacia in South America.

Don't get scammed!

2023 Update: When I got into self-experimentation with smart drugs ten years ago I had hoped that the industry was on the cusp of growing up, that the fly-by-night supplement marketers would be put out of business by consumers choosing Nootropics with rationality and science.
Instead, today scammy Internet Marketing products abound and weird research compounds lacking human studies will hit the market to be voraciously consumed by pharmaceutical thrill-seekers. I'm more concerned than ever about a major ethics crisis giving the Biohacking industry a bad name.
After personally trying over 200 different Nootropics I'm convinced of two things...

From Which Brain Supplements (Nootropics) are Credible? [2023] - includes the 6 factors for Nootropic supplement credibility.

Credible Nootropics


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