January Limitless Q&A

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.

It's a new year, and with my self-inflicted new haircut and my lady at my side, we aim to impress by delivering sagacious responses in this Q&A podcast. From water's hardness, Huperzine's hijinks, to lowering blood pressure with pleasure and Moringa's might. And, I share a chapter from my upcoming science fiction novel about seduction, biohacking, and philosophy.

Listen to the full Q&A podcast on the go with Castbox, here 


What you find on this website is NOT medical advice. I'm not a doctor. I'm just an experienced unlicensed self-experimenter practicing free speech in talking about my own extensive experiences and my interpretations of published science. Please see my guide on How to Biohack Smart and Safe. You should consult a doctor about any biohacking you're doing and, ideally, also get a second opinion.

#42 Questions


i have had ADHD my whole life but didn't realize it until now at 50 , my whole life I haven't had any drive or motivation, what can i take for that...?


Apply everything in my deep-dive presentation: Adult ADHD Cured! The Four Pillars of Maintaining Focus, Motivation, and Memory


The people in eastern Europe with the hardest groundwater were found to have longer lifespans. Move over, distilled water, right?


Read: The Relationship between Mortality from Cardiovascular Diseases and Total Drinking Water Hardness: Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

Recommendations: MITOLIFE water filtration system or ZeroWater countertop filter

Conclusion: In summary, while certain regions in Eastern Europe may have harder groundwater, and some studies suggest potential health benefits associated with hard water consumption, attributing longer lifespans solely to harder groundwater oversimplifies a complex interplay of factors influencing human health and longevity. Hard water is not the longevity hack, Magnesium is.


Responding to Virus-Proof Yourself: 4 Natural Anti-Viral Biohacks

I haven't been sick since I started doing intermittent fasting and avoiding seed oils, aside from the period of "keto flu" that indicated the switch back to a healthy metabolism. I have also been much more heat- and cold- tolerant since then as well, and with some other benefits as well.
Regarding your video title you might be interested to learn that virology is by all logical accounts a pseudo- science, failing logical scientific protocols like Koch's Postulates, virtually all tests of transmissibility, and in the fraudulent testing of vaccines and their effects by way of eliminating a proper placebo and also not factoring in multiple vaccines given over time. Let me know if you want some good links on that topic, if you ever have kids or have anyone with kids (or even taking "flu shots" or other injections) that will listen to you about the topic you would be very wise to do a bit of research and learn about it.


What are your thoughts on Moringa?


Good broad-range nutriceutical with over 400 articles of human research on PubMed since the turn of the millennia. From a recent review of the nutraceutical... 

Potential applications of Moringa compounds in the treatment of chronic diseases include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial (bacterial or fungal), and anticancerous effects. In this review, various phytochemical extraction techniques, therapeutic properties, and applications are discussed.

  • Helps pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency
  • Enhance breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers
  • Neuroprotective Effects
  • Improve exercise performance in young male adults

Recommended source: Health Ranger Store's clean Moringa


What's with Huperzine? Our naturalist dr. said that it would help stave off dementia. Any thoughts?


Huperzine has only 14 scientific papers since the turn of millennia and I could find just three old Chinese studies on Huperzine vs Dementia

IssueHuperzine stays in your system for at least 24 hours. When you consume 400 mcg of huperzine (which is a common dosage in many stacks) the next day after you think that the Nootropic's effects have worn off there’s actually still 200 mcg in your system. The Huperzine in your system accumulates when you then take another 400 mcg, or maybe more if you mega-dose a Nootropic stack containing it.

Recommendations: Get your personal genotyping done to see what kind of cognitive decline risks you face Dementia-preventative evidence is better for Phosphatidylserine and Oxiracetam. If you must, take micro-dosed Huperzine you must, 25-50 micrograms daily.


Responding to Exogenous Oxytocin 💗 A biohack for meaningful monogamy (and superlative sex?)

What are the Biohacks for lowering blood pressure?


Synopsis: Oxytocin has been shown to decrease blood pressure in certain contexts. Studies indicate that oxytocin can lower arterial blood pressure in conscious, unrestrained spontaneously hypertensive rats. Additionally, oxytocin can cause a decrease in blood pressure by binding to its receptors in the heart, kidney, and vasculature, leading to vasodilation and a decrease in plasma volume. However, the effects of oxytocin on blood pressure can vary depending on the context.

Recommendations: Baby Aspirin and anything that boosts Oxytocin itself, time spent with loved ones, good sex, petting a cute kitty - including the probiotic strain Lactobacillus Reuteri, which boosts Oxytocin.


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My upcoming novel: About Biohacking, Seduction & Philosophy

Here's a teaser of the plot...

Xavier is a Biohacker, Lifehacker, professional poker player, statistical savant, gamer, addict, and cyber-criminal currently being prosecuted for masterminding a nine-million-dollar heist of "pre-cognitive capital." Pushed out of his comfort zone one night at a cigar bar, he approaches a strikingly beautiful Colombian woman, Astrid. An old Russian man gives him a mysterious confidence drug along with some advice that gives him a shot at charming a woman unlike any other he has ever known. But Astrid has an identical twin sister who seems to have succumbed to the same corrupting modern influences as Xavier. As he battles his addictions, the twins draw him into a web of intrigue and moral quandaries. In a world where corporations enslave the human mind to predict the future and profit, he'll excel because of the Biohacking tools he yields and his innate talents but falter because of his fundamentally flawed character.

And the back cover book blub

Set in a dystopian near-future world drunk on virtual bliss, it delves deeply into the themes of the digital enslavement of human sexuality, tech addiction, the state of men in modernity, the scientific study of consciousness, and corporate capture of the prophetic ability of the mind. This novel illustrates the application of some of the edgier Biohacks, lifehacks, and social dynamics hacks. Along with some philosophical exposition that will clarify the reader's viewpoint of the absurdistan of the modern world.

It's some of the best writing I've ever done. And I'd like to give you a download of the first five chapters to whet your appetite...

Download the first five chapters

If you're a sex addict, sorry it's not for you. In fact, please pass on these sample chapters. They might be "triggering" (to use that word I resisted for a long time) for you. But, not much more triggering than life in general, and not more triggering than social media if you use it some. Consider yourself forewarned.

Get a free BREAKTHROUGH Biohacking/Lifehacking consultation call with me

My VERY FAVORITE part of my job as an Applied Neuroscience Strategist and professional Biohacker is doing one-on-one VOIP calls with folks, listening to what their challenges or goals are, and then usually, I'm able to give them some crucial pieces to the puzzle for them to make a MAJOR breakthrough in their health, mindset, relationships, productivity, or mindset. It's one of the things that makes me feel truly alive and I'd like to do a call with YOU.

Complete this form with some details about yourself (your goals/challenges) so that I can make the nuanced recommendations you need...

Breakthrough Biohacking/Lifehacking Consultation

[All details you choose to share are absolutely confidential - you may record the call if you want]

In case you're wondering...

On our call, I have nothing specific to pitch you. You'll make a new friend and get value out of this, even if you have ZERO money to spend! But I am the internet's "smart drug dealer," so if you're interested in Nootropics and Biohacking, I can clarify some things for you and save you time and money in trying things that might not be ideal for your goals. I can only do about ten of these free consultations weekly, so if you're ready to break through a glass ceiling in your Biohacking, health, or personal growth, don’t hesitate – fill out the form today, and we'll schedule a call sometime soon.

Recommended New Year's ReadingWho will you be in 2030?

While everyone else is hoping that 2025 will be a better year than those earlier this decade, I suggest that you think more about 2030 and create a 5-Year Self-Determination Flowchart.
Strike a balance between your wildest fantasies and a reasonable prediction of how you will be living if you practice your best habits with discipline.


Join the Limitless Mindset Substack to...

Get frequent free edifying content about Biohacking, Lifehacking, and my holistic pragmatic antifragility philosophy. This informative (and often entertaining!) Substack is about how to take advantage of the latest anti-aging and Biohacking science and where I dispense timely mindset nuggets, lifehacking tips, and my own musings.

Watch this recent video...

Download this audiochapter & 5-chapter sample of "Hourglass"

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