#25 Lifehacking for Salespeople

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

We discuss 7 little-known lifehacks for salespeople, these are applications of memory systems and biohacks for being more productive as a sales rockstar.

In 2012, I couchsurfed with my friend Chuc Mason of Unleash Your Geek in Nosara, Costa Rica, we took a break from our geekery, dropped some Nootropics, and recorded this cheeky podcast - which you can listen to on the go here on Castbox.

LifeHacking in Nosara

In this episode we discuss

  • Sales script memorization.
  • Increasing your neurotransmitters for increased productivity.
  • Memory systems and brain damage.
  • Increasing your sales ability with IQ-enhancing brain training software.
  • Scent as a Pavlovian confidence trigger.

Resources and products mentioned

Read article: Memory Systems and Productivity Biohacking for Salespeople

Practice the names/faces memory system

Access: AV Association Technique course

Nootropics for verbal intelligence: Piracetam, Alpha GPC, and Green Tea

Dual N-Back - Improving fluid intelligence with training on working memory2008 study

Category: Software & Apps
Category: Software & Apps

Livin' la vida "pura vida" in Costa Rica...

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