Oxidative stress in a model of toxic demyelination in rat brain: the effect of piracetam and vinpocetine.

Oxidative stress in a model of toxic demyelination in rat brain: the effect of piracetam and vinpocetine.

We studied the role of oxidative stress and the effect of vinpocetine (1.5, 3 or 6 mg/kg) and piracetam (150 or 300 mg/kg) in acute demyelination of the rat brain following intracerebral injection of ethidium bromide (10 μl of 0.1%). Results: ethidium bromide caused (1) increased malondialdehyde (MDA) in cortex, hippocampus and striatum; (2) decreased total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in cortex, hippocampus and striatum; (3) decreased reduced glutathione (GSH) in cortex and hippocampus (4); increased serum nitric oxide and (5) increased striatal (but not cortical or hippocampal) acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. MDA decreased in striatum and cortex by the lower doses of vinpocetine or piracetam but increased in cortex and hippocampus and in cortex, hypothalamus and striatum by the higher dose of vinpocetine or piracetam, respectively along with decreased TAC. GSH increased by the higher dose of piracetam and by vinpocetine which also decreased serum nitric oxide. Vinpocetine and piracetam displayed variable effects on regional AChE activity.


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Scientific Studies & Papers

Author of Study or Paper
Abdel-Salam OM, Khadrawy YA, Salem NA, Sleem AA.
Department of Toxicology and Narcotics, National Research Centre, Tahrir St, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
Date Published
2011 in Neurochem Research

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