Adjuvant role of sulbutiamine with anti-infective treatment in infection associated asthenia.

Adjuvant role of sulbutiamine with anti-infective treatment in infection associated asthenia.

Asthenic symptoms such as weakness accompany illness. This study investigates whether the centrally acting cholinergic agent, vitamin B analogue (sulbutiamine), is effective and acceptable in relieving these symptoms in infectious disease when combined with specific anti-infective treatment.

In a prospective uncontrolled, non-randomised, commercial, observational study, 1772 patients with an infectious disease and asthenic symptoms, drawn from the practice of 350 randomly selected physicians throughout India, received vitamin B analogue (sulbutiamine) in addition to specific anti-infective treatment for 15 days. The primary outcome variable was complete resolution of asthenic symptoms with treatment.

The number (%, 95% confidence interval) of patients with complete resolution of all asthenic symptoms was 916 (51.7, 49.4-54). In the remaining patients, severe asthenia was reduced but persisted in 11 (0.6, 0-26); and moderate asthenia in 94 (5.3, 0-17.6). The response was greater in patients with acute infection and symptoms more related to cerebral function. Side effects occurred in 10 (0.6%), patients and well being improved significantly.

Vitamin B analogue (sulbutiamine) may be a useful adjunct to specific anti-infective treatment.

Scientific Studies & Papers

Author of Study or Paper
Sulbutiamine Study Group
SL Raheja Hospital, Bombay Mutual Terrace, Mumbai.
Date Published
2003 in The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India.
About Study
Human Study

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