Posit Science Brain Fitness Program for One Person

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Posit Science Brain Fitness Program for One Person

The Total Training Package includes both the original Brain Fitness Program for auditory processing and the InSight brain fitness program for visual processing. You'll think faster, focus better, and remember more—both in the auditory and in the visual domains. Just a few of the many benefits include:

  • Improvement in memory of 10+ years
  • Faster processing—131% faster in the auditory system and up to 300% in the visual system
  • The self-confidence and quality of life that come from being at the top of your game

Why Combine Auditory and Visual Brain Fitness Training?
Imagine you're at a wedding of a loved one. You want to enjoy and remember the wedding. To do that, your brain has to take in the sights and sounds of the wedding quickly and clearly. Only then can you get the most out of the wedding and store accurate memories of what happened.
The Total Training Package enables your brain to do just that. The Brain Fitness Program improves your ability to take in, respond to, and remember what you hear—so you have richer conversations during the event and can recall what people told you later. InSight does the same for what you see—so you can remember details of the wedding dress and the faces of the people you talked with. These things may sound small, but they're what enable you to reminisce later.
Now change the setting to an important work meeting. You want to be on the ball during the meeting, responding quickly to questions and catching subtle facial expressions. Plus, it's important to your job performance that you accurately remember what was discussed. Again, the Total Training Package optimizes your brain function for visual and auditory information—so you can take in and remember more information, more accurately.
In these ways, the Brain Fitness Program and InSight complement one another, improving your mental sharpness for both auditory and visual information—a key root of healthy brain function. This is a very different approach from many other programs that focus on drilling the brain on memory tasks or teaching the brain "tricks" to remember. It's what makes the Posit Science programs uniquely effective.

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Highest rated software by Posit Science.


Posit Science Brain Fitness Program for One Person
Posit Science Brain Fitness Program for One Person
Posit Science Brain Fitness Program for One Person
Posit Science Brain Fitness Program for One Person
Posit Science Brain Fitness Program for One Person
Posit Science Brain Fitness Program for One Person

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