Fast ForWord for Adults

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Fast ForWord for Adults

Fast ForWord programs are not just for school students. Many adults struggle daily with their careers and personal lives due to poor reading, language and listening abilities. Fast ForWord is ideal for adults who want to improve their listening skills, their reading ability, and for those wishing to improve their use of the English language.

Adult Fast ForWord programs
It is recommended that adults complete the Fast ForWord language programs Fast ForWord Literacy and Fast ForWord Literacy Advanced followed by the appropriate reading programs ie: Fast ForWord Reading 3, Fast ForWord Reading 4, Fast ForWord Reading 5)

Fast ForWord Literacy
Develops the listening and language skills that give students the solid foundation skills they need to become better readers including:

Fast ForWord Literacy Advanced
Provides the critical link needed to improve overall literacy in adolescents and adults who are struggling to read and learn.

Fast ForWord Reading 3: Making Words and Language Fit Together
Fast ForWord to Reading 3 exercises builds reading knowledge and fluency. With a focus on recognising word sounds, word forms, and spelling conventions this product develops basic vocabulary and comprehension skills. Using an exclusive patented technology to help students build cognitive skills in the context of essential reading skills,

Fast ForWord Reading 4: Faster Comprehension, Expanded Vocabulary
Fast ForWord to Reading 4 exercises expands reading skills with a focus on applying knowledge of word origins, word forms, sentence structures, and punctuation rules to improve comprehension.

Fast ForWord Reading 5: Strengthens Critical Thinking Skills
Fast ForWord to Reading series of exercises focus on advanced reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. It is appropriate for students in upper primary andhigh school, and is designed to exercise the skills identified in the literacy and language arts content standards for 5th grade.

Mind Power Products


Fast ForWord for Adults
Fast ForWord for Adults
Fast ForWord for Adults
Fast ForWord for Adults

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