Biohacked Boerboels

Biohacked Boerboels

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Biohacked Boerboels
By Jonathan Roseland

South African Boerboels - Biohacked for formidable health, vitality, and loyalty

A Biohacker who I've been friends with for several years breeds and offers Biohacked Boerboelsa Boerboel is an elite defensive dog. For hundreds of years, these giant dogs defended South African farms from marauders, predators, and even lions! Now they are employed by the US Department of Defense and police forces around the world. This is the most badass dog you can get. My friend is taking this breed renowned for muscularity and protective character and biohacking it. He'll be using therapies like red/infrared light, C60, and doggy-friendly adaptogenic herbs to fortify the health of the Boerboels he breeds. You can get on the waitlist for Biohacked Boerboel puppies via this website.

About Biohacked Boerboels

We are proud to serve as one of the few Boerboel breeders on the Southeast.

Waterhole Boerboels, established in 2019, is a small breeding operation located in Huntsville, AL dedicated to the ultimate farm working dog, best known as the South African Boerboel (bor-bul). This specific type of canine is shockingly uncommon in the United States, and other parts of the globe other than South Africa, which is our reason for owning the most powerful breed in the world. The Boerboel breed is known for its strength, loyalty, and protective nature.

We are have registered our dogs with and pledged to maintain the breed standards.

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Biohacked Boerboels
Biohacked Boerboels
Biohacked Boerboels

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