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State of the Art Science

There are over 40 scientific papers about Heartmath's technology on Pubmed.

  • emWave® technology is used by more than 10,000 health professionals to help patients reduce stress and anxiety.
  • 65 VA Hospitals are using emWave to help soldiers deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • HeartMath studies and trials have appeared in numerous peer-reviewed journals.

emWave2 vs Inner Balance

The major difference is that the Inner Balance is a Bluetooth sensor that gives you real-time HRV biofeedback with a slick Android or IOS app. The app displays your general state of coherence red, blue, or green along with a heart rate graph. It also gives you a more detailed readout of your coherence score and graphs your performance. I logged into the app with my old Heartcloud account and was pleased to discover that it still had my emWave2 session data from back in 2014.

What I like about the emWave2 is that it's a subtly pleasant and mindful technology, the rising and falling light bar on it is sort of mesmerizing. Unlike my smartphone, it's a zero distraction piece of technology, when I sit down with my emWave I'm not going to get sucked down the click-bait rabbit hole on Facebook or Twitter. When I use the Inner Balance I have to staunchly resist checking social media or being distracted by dinging and vibrating app notifications.

After doing over 300 training sessions, my conclusion is that the Inner Balance is the better option. It makes it easy to track how other biohacks and supplements affect my heart rate variability.

According to Heartmath

emWave technology is an innovative approach to improving wellness and facilitating personal growth based on learning to change your heart rhythm pattern to create coherence; a scientifically measurable state characterized by increased order and harmony in our psychological and physiological processes.



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