Nootropics Depot

Nootropics Depot

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Nootropics Depot is one of the top American sources of Nootropic capsules and powders. They stand out because they manufacture and test their products in-house, posting their certificates of analysis right on their product pages. In 2020 they kicked me out of their affiliate program because I do well-researched content about the science and evidence behind the Nootropics and supplements they sell. It's disappointing that the regulatory environment in the USA is compelling manufacturers to forsake affiliates who work tirelessly to educate about empowering health. Nonetheless, I recommend them because of their commitment to quality assurance!

What People are Saying: On you can find a number of customer reviews, there are nearly 200 reviews of their Piracetam alone, some are very short while some are quite detailed. There are a handful of reviews on, mostly positive. On Youtube, you can find several positive vlog reviews. Reviews also appear on several popular Nootropics blogs and there are several (mostly positive) discussion threads on

Money-Back Guarantee: 30-day money-back guarantee. From their websiteNootropics Depot does not accept returns or exchanges for opened and/or used product. Unopened product may be returned for a refund within 30 days of its delivery date.

Clinical Studies: Most of the products they sell have solid science behind them, for example, over 600 human studies and papers about Piracetam can be found on Pubmed.

Web Presence: is a large and sharply functioning e-commerce website with a great search function. Ample (again mostly positive) discussions of their products can be found on Biohacker forums and Reddit. They have a Twitter profile and Facebook page with over 50,000 "likes." 

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Nootropics Depot

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