Dating hot chicks with no car? It can be done! How to pull it off...

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

For guys, having no car can really put a damper on your dating life, but only if you let it!

Like many young men, I once lost my driver’s license due to some small bad decisions and had to get rid of my car. Here’s how I kept my dating life active and fun...

Location. Location. Location.

local map marker

The most important aspect of your success in carrying out a carless dating life is living in the right part of town. Think about this: where do most people go on dates? Mostly restaurants, bars, cafes, and clubs in the downtown or central urban part of the city. If you ask a lady out on a date, chances are you’re going to end up taking her somewhere downtown. If you live a few blocks away from where you are going, your transportation is not really an issue. This can also play to your advantage because if your date is going particularly well (or if she’s had too many drinks to safely drive - which for women is like two), then your place is conveniently within walking distance. To make it convenient, you can invite her to park in your parking lot and then take a cab to the date destination or take a nice walk together through your neighborhood. Also, a growing number of urban dwellers don’t have cars, so you won’t seem like such a loser.

Tip: DO NOT tell her before the first date that you have no car; just invite her to meet you at the restaurant, bar, or coffee shop close by where you live. When you ask her out mention that there is this awesome little spot close by where you live that you want to show her, that way it won’t be awkward that you walked over. Women are more comfortable driving themselves to a first date anyway.

Social Proof.

Socializing people party

Women are way more attracted to men who are popular and have social proof. During the time I was carless, I had a small business coordinating and promoting nightlife events at local bars and nightclubs. This was a great way to meet fun ladies who understood that I was an urban dweller who didn’t need a car because I could walk or take a short cab ride anywhere I needed to go for social engagements. Take the initiative and coordinate a night out with your friends, then invite a lady along. This sets you up as the leader of your group, and she will care less if you don’t have a car.

Be involved with cool events.

A nightclub I had a marketing relationship with was doing an awesome fire dancing competitionThe lady I invited drove over and then dropped $70 on me at a swanky seafood restaurant before we went to the event and had a spectacular evening. We actually appear in the music video shot at the party, here...

Another time, some friends of mine were doing a charity event at the Ferrari dealership in my town. The girl I invited was so excited, showed up in a gorgeous dress, and was happy to drive. If there’s a cool event, try to find a way to get marginally involved with it and invite a girl. She will be excited and won’t mind being your chauffeur.


couple date romance

Remember what Marilyn Monroe said...

"If you can make a girl laugh - you can make her do anything"

Your personality and making sure the girl has a great time are more important attraction factors than your transportation situation.

Economic Proof.

Money dollar cost

Having no car is a sign, to women, of a lack of economic maturity. This can be countered by having stylish clothing, a nice watch, a not-embarrassing apartment, or taking her to a swanky joint. Remember that while women are attracted to wealthy men, the lack of wealth is not necessarily a turnoff, but the lack of maturity, ambition, and career focus definitely is. So let her know that you are going places with your life.

If you don’t have a car, don’t lie about it being in the shop at the moment. Just bring it up briefly after you’ve kissed her or built some attraction, and then move on to another conversation subject. If you don’t make a big deal out of it, she likely won’t either.

I no longer (car-lessly) date hot chicks because I married one! I met her in Europe and, as you may have suspected, the car expectation is different in other countries. In a lot of places, it’s not something that women will hold against you.

If that’s appealing to you BEFORE undertaking an international skirt-chasing mission, listen to this podcast...

I’ll conclude with a little tough love...

If it seems that women won’t date you because you don’t have a car, that’s probably not your real problem. Women are more than willing to overlook your shortcomings if you’re a genuinely attractive guy. If you believe the myth that “Women are just into guys with money,” that’s going to hold you back from meeting and dating the kinds of women you want to. Let go of this preconception and get to work on making yourself more holistically attractive...

  • Sharpen your social dynamics skills.
  • Upgrade your style and swagger. 
  • Lifehack your looks.
  • Hit the gym to put on some muscle.
  • Quit the video games, cancel your Netflix subscription, and devote your leisure time to things that make you a more attractive man - like learning to salsa or Latin dance!
  • Quit fapping to porn to raise your testosterone so you exude a more sexy vibe.

Don't Stick Your Dick in a BlenderMy new book for men, Don’t Stick Your Dick in a Blender, delves deep into all this stuff and will give you a bunch of pragmatic lifehacks and shortcuts to upgrading your sexual marketplace value.

An irreverent, politically incorrect exposition of the state of dating in the current year. And a playbook of counter-intuitive approaches, advanced social dynamics lifehacks along with filtering strategies for avoiding the time-wasters and inglorious skanks.


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