Frame Control: How to Overcome the Power Frame in Business Situations

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

The definition of a frame is a set of emotions and desires that you bring to the table anytime you are communicating with another person.

What's important to understand about frame control is that whenever two or more people are interacting one person's frame will overcome the other person's frame and this person will usually get their way.

For example: Think about a courtroom; you have a judge, two attorneys, and a group of jurors. The two attorneys both have their own desires and emotions, the attorney whose frame is adopted by the jurors will win the case.

Technique: Overcoming the power frame

This is a technique that you could probably use in a variety of situations but can be a real "Jedi mind trick" in the business world. If you are in the business world, you have had the experience of dealing with someone who had the power frame because of their massive ego. This person is used to getting their way, they are used to people acquiescing to their desires. This person usually does whatever the hell they want to do regardless of the information they're presented with or how it affects other people. Power frame types tend to be oblivious to what others think. Their ego is rooted in their status. These are usually people who have big titles or feel some kind of entitlement.

If you are communicating or negotiating with a power frame a lot of times they will only listen to the first few seconds of what you have to say and then make a snap judgment about what they will do. Inevitably in business and life, we have to deal with these kinds of people coming from this kind of ego-driven power frame. However, the good news is that they are vulnerable to your power-busting frame because they do not expect it. They expect your deference and obedience. You will take them by surprise with this technique:

To bust a power frame, use a mildly shocking but not unfriendly act. Do or say something that is slightly defiant but at the same time be humorous.

When you are defiant and funny at the same time, a power-frame personality is going to be pleasantly challenged and instinctively will know that they are in the presence of a professional.

For example: Let's say you are a salesperson in a boardroom making a pitch.

Negotiating with Decision Makers

In the middle of your pitch one of the key decision-makers, Chris, throws out an objection to doing the deal...

  1. As a true sales professional, you don't allow your presentation to get derailed, you say: "Hey Chris, that's a great question, I would really like to finish this presentation because I think when you have the total picture of what I am proposing it will make sense to you." Then you go on with your presentation.
  2. A few minutes later you notice that Chris is playing on their smartphone and not paying attention to your presentation - anyone who's been in sales or negotiates deals for a living is familiar with this kind of situation.
  3. Now say: "Hey Chris, I would just hate to have to use my Jedi powers to take your smartphone from you while I finish my fascinating presentation." While you do this make sure you are smiling big at Chris and roll your eyes a little when you say fascinating presentation.

This line accomplishes a few things...

  1. It's slightly shocking because you are calling out Chris for not paying attention.
  2. You are being funny saying that you have Jedi powers.
  3. Using positive body language and joking about your presentation being fascinating you are building rapport between you and Chris.
  4. Chris should now be super focused on you for the duration of your presentation.

So when you encounter the power frame be a little defiant or deny them what they want from you while at the same time being funny and friendly and you will win frame control of the situation.

The concept of frame control, I believe, comes out of the whole world of pickup and game but this particular technique comes from a book called Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff.

Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal
Category: Book

This is one of the better books I've read on the topic of sales, negotiation, and persuasion. Check out this case study, $4100 in 50 Minutes, of my applying the techniques I learned in it...


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