Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal

Pitch Anything

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Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

Book Review: A How-To Manual for Limitless Deal Makers

This is a book about the neuroscience behind sales, marketing, and deal-making.

The author is a very Limitless guy. Oren works doing sophisticated 7, 8, and 9 figure capital finance deals. He raises millions of dollars from venture capitalists, angel investors, and financial institutions to fund startups, real estate deals, and even airports. The author has been doing the kind of deal-making you see the guy doing in the movie Limitless for the last 15 years.

I don't know how many people reading this are negotiators or salespeople by profession, but sales is the most important skill to being successful in your career, business, or relationships.

Some of the interesting subject matter covered...

  • Croc Brain - One of the main communication problems that salespeople or deal makers have that prevents money from being made is that a lot of times we pitch
  • Frame Control - frame control is the set of emotions and desires each individual brings to each situation.
  • Hot Cognition - This is when you like something, but you can't say why. Hot cognition is caused by a combination of anticipation of pleasure and tension, releasing two chemicals in your brain; dopamine and norepinephrine. In the airport pitch example: the author describes a billion-dollar deal he was doing to finance an airport. He stimulates challenging them to create a legacy through this project that people will judge them by.
  • Counteract validation-seeking - Validation: I'm needed elsewhere.

Some of you may be questioning...

Why would I want to read a book? Isn't there a way to "life hack" my way around reading books?

Limitless people make time to read. There are concepts in this book that you will need to read 3-4 times before they really soak in.

It's short, around 200 pages, so it will only take you a few hours to read. I first enjoyed it in this hammock overlooking the Pacific in Costa Rica in 2012...

Hammock Costa Rica

I was impressed with how many original ideas, actionable techniques (he gives scripts you can use almost word-for-word), and examples or stories of the strategies in use Oren was able to capture in 200 pages.

5 stars

Check out this follow-up vlog that I made about The Neurotransmitter Cocktail I Mix to Seduce and Profit...

And here are some other books to add to your reading list on sales, persuasion, communication, and social dynamics...

The 2AM Principle
Category: Book
The 48 Laws of Power
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Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal
Category: Book
Flip the Script: Getting People to Think Your Idea Is Their Idea
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Way of the Wolf: Straight Line Selling: Master the Art of Persuasion, Influence, and Success
Category: Book


Review Title
Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff [Book Review]
Media Type
  • Book
  • eBook (Kindle/ePub/PDF)
Author or Creator
Oren Klaff
On Social Media


Pitch Anything
Pitch Anything
Where I enjoyed the book in Costa Rica


$4100 in 50 Minutes: The Neurotransmitter Cocktail I Mix to Seduce and Profit
Neurofinance Lessons from "Pitch Anything" ? A how-to manual for Limitless deal makers

Editor review

1 review
A How To Manual for Limitless Deal Makers
(Updated: December 22, 2019)
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Pitch Anything
Where I enjoyed the book in Costa Rica
$4100 in 50 Minutes: The Neurotransmitter Cocktail I Mix to Seduce and Profit
#1 Reviewer 245 reviews
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