"Secrets of Body Language" Documentary

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

The best documentary (now censored on YouTube) about reading body language. It focuses on the telling body language of powerful people and celebrities.

1:25 93% of communication is non-verbal
3:17 Whole body language (George Bush vs Vlad Putin)
5:10 Bill Clinton, Yasser Arafat & Ehud Barak
6:05 'Last man through the door' power dynamic
9:05 Handshakes - who gets the 'upper hand'?
11:30 FDR, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill
14:00 Nixon and 'self-touch'
15:30 Lies and body language retreat
16:25 Body language norming
19:30 Paris Hilton 'being a good girl'
20:50 The Regular Guy
23:30 Image is Everything Nixon vs JFK
26:50 Hillary Clinton's feminine body language transformation
29:00 Pointing Politicians
29:45 Body language and car salespeople
34:00 Bill Clinton, Master of Body Language
35:07 Ph.D. in Gestures: Full frontal expressions
35:45 Gesture just a second before you say it
37:30 Political couple's body language
38:00 Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: Attraction revealed
40:00 "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
41:30 Danger Signs
50:30 The Face - Universal Expressions
51:00 Dr. Paul Ekman's research
51:40 7 Universal facial expressions
54:40 Competence Indicators
57:20 Micro Expressions & Arnold Schwarzenegger
59:50 Dead Giveaways
108:00 Voice tonality
109:00 Female political voices
112:00 Barrack Obama's voice
116:00 Tony Blair 'overdoing it'
118:00 Under pressure
119:00 The strategic voice crack
126:00 Lee Harvey Oswald layered voice analysis
129:00 When there's a conflict between words and body language believe the body language

To go deeper on the topic of body language and mastering social dynamics check out my book reviews of Never Split the Difference, Way of the WolfPitch AnythingThe 2AM Principleand The 48 Laws of Power.

Flip the Script: Getting People to Think Your Idea Is Their Idea
Category: Book
The 2AM Principle
Category: Book
Way of the Wolf: Straight Line Selling: Master the Art of Persuasion, Influence, and Success
Category: Book
Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal
Category: Book
The 48 Laws of Power
Category: Book


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