The Porn Myth

The Porn Myth

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The Porn Myth: Exposing the Reality Behind the Fantasy of Pornography
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

Book Review: The pro-free-speech case against porn

This book changed my mind about porn. I’m against poisonous, toxic things be they iatrogenic vaccines, 5G radiation, heavy metals in “health" supplements, shampoo-rife with endocrine disruptors, or porn. And apparently, a lot of libertarian kind of people are very resistant to the idea that porn is anything less than sacrosanct. So I’ll make the scientific and philosophical case here that it’s absolutely toxic and not speech by any coherent reasoning.

Free speech porn meme founding fathers

Also, as the meme goes, when the founding fathers of the United States enshrined our right to free speech in the 1st amendment they were not thinking about porn, they trying to protect political speech that might challenge tyranny and injustice. And porn serves political tyranny and injustice, read Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control.

Last week I became the most hated man on the pro-free-speech social network because of a video I posted making the case for banning porn on the social network. And I know just what your knee-jerk reaction to this might be... 

“But I'm pro-free-speech and porn is speech!”

In the video, I explain why porn is not speech by any coherent reasoning. I challenge the one "libertarian" thing that they made sure we learned as teenagers in public schools, that porn is free speech. I hate porn, I think it's an insidious factor driving the decline of civilization - in my own life and those of men I've coached I've seen how toxic, addictive, and poisonous it is - so I took it on there on a small platform where I might have some sway over policy. And, it's become my most hated video, getting even more hysterical comments than my videos where I criticized Kratom. People respond very predictably when what they are addicted to is challenged. As a follow-up, I've done this podcast, reviewing this book and further making the arbitrary contrarian's case against porn...

All the references for what I discuss here are in the book but there’s a big mistake to be made here, people are often resistant to positive change until a ton of evidence is presented, especially when it might mean giving up an addiction. Such evidence is presented in the book which is rigorously sourced, but - man to man - it's really not necessary to make the empirical anti-porn case, because the experiential case is so strong. Quit porn for two weeks, a month, or 90 days and you'll experience a boost in testosterone that infuses your whole life with vivacity and zest. Or just reflect on times in your life when you were watching way too much porn; you were probably depressed, anti-social, unmotivated, you were disinterested in dating women and you got sick more often.

If you no fap, I’d urge you to read my book, Don’t Stick Your Dick in a Blender, because you’re going to be getting laid (maybe a lot) and I don’t want you to royally fuck up your life by sleeping with the wrong kinds of women. Good, yet naive, men routinely wreck their lives because they “stick their dick in a blender” — having sex with the wrong kinds of women. STDs, unplanned pregnancies, false accusations, mental health headcases, and divorce make chasing skirts a dangerous game. If you want to “test drive” the book, download these sample chapters and read them at your leisure on your E-Reader device or smartphone with the Kindle app.

The Porn Myth is rigorously sourced and makes an overwhelming case against porn, along with providing some helpful tips and strategies for kicking this self-destructive habit.4 stars blue The only criticism I have is that the book will likely only appeal to Christians or religious people - which kind of plays into the left's predictable and tired pro-porn counter-argument, "You're only against porn because you're an old-fashioned, dogmatic, religious, moralist!" No, we're against porn because it's the equivalent to every store (even those next to schools) giving away cigarettes for free to everyone - something no decent society would tolerate.


Review Title
The Porn Myth [Book Review]
Media Type
  • Book
  • eBook (Kindle/ePub/PDF)
Author or Creator
Matt Fradd


The Porn Myth


The pro-free-speech case AGAINST porn ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Book Review of "The Porn Myth"

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