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By Jonathan Roseland

Suntanned and fresh back in the states, Jonathan shares travel hacks and tips for getting the most out of a trip to Central America in this episode.

Woody shares several travel resources that may just save your trip from disaster. We discuss making friends and going on a "technology cleanse" while traveling.

By Jonathan Roseland

This episode covers some powerful tools and tech to accelerate your language learning.

Along with how to be charming in a language you barely know and I finish up by sharing two awesomely embarrassing moments of culture shock.

By Jonathan Roseland

For flirting, banter, and building rapport en Espanol during the day or night…

I had the pleasure of living in one of the sexiest cities in the world — Medellin, Colombia for over a year.

During this time I cross-trained learning game and mastering a second language, Spanish. I also spent time in Central America and lived in Valencia, on the sun-kissed southern coast of Spain, which (by the way) is a better place to pick up chicas than Barcelona.

By Jonathan Roseland

2023 Update: This I wrote about a decade ago when I was living in Colombia. I had a lot to learn about networking with the caliber of people I wanted in my life.

When I say that…

Travelers are mostly vapid, gutless, and intoxicated.

It’s my cognitive dissonance remarking on the differences between the noble philosophies travelers claim and what I’ve observed.

A Spy in Kyiv?

Blog & Articles
By Jonathan Roseland

From How to Be Cross Eyed: Thriving Despite Your Physical Imperfection — a mémoire and lifehacking manifesto

I had given up my aspiration of becoming a pseudo-Berliner, moved out of my flat near Alexanderplatz, and embarked toward the Slavic east. I only had a few days left on my Schengen visa so I didn’t linger long in Poland. As the night bus crossed the Ukrainian border it bumped noisily over a piece of cold metal that let out an eerie metallic groan into the dark. I was now a denizen of the wild, wild east.

By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.

Before we talk about accelerated language acquisition, using some exciting technologies, Memory Systems, Dual N-Back, and SuperMemo, let's talk about accelerated personal development.

Why is it that some people languish in personal development purgatory for years or decades while other people read a book, take a course, listen to a podcast, apply the knowledge, and get meaningful (or profitable!) results fast?

The most practical, measurable, and non-woo-woo answer to this conundrum is that the person who gets more results faster has a mind with healthier Neuroplasticity mechanisms. Neuroplasticity is a chemical process that occurs on the molecular and cellular levels of our brain's grey matter, it results in new brain cells being manufactured and synaptic connections forming in the mind.

By Jonathan Roseland

Inspired by the style of Memoir from Antproof Case

It was a romance that burned hotter than most, which is no extraordinary thing - what’s extraordinary is how long it has burned hot.
Not all men (if they are being honest), can say that they’ve had a grand and all-consuming passionate love affair in their lives - that they’ve had a “love of their lives.” Most men settle; they find their partners in the space between lurching after the biological urge and compromising their values and standards to buy a bit of comfort.
I have had a love of my life - a star that shines so bright that it blots out all others while serving as a celestial beacon to navigate by to a mythological land of abundance. This is our love story, what we kindled now burns hotter than ever.

Aquatic Misadventures

Blog & Articles
By Jonathan Roseland

From How to Be Cross Eyed: Thriving Despite Your Physical Imperfection — a mémoire and lifehacking manifesto

Water and I have a sordid history.

Breathless, 90 feet down

The first time I almost died underwater was during my scuba certification dive. Scuba is a badass (and expensive!) hobby but it’s quite dangerous! Every seasoned scuba diver has a story or two (or more) about almost dying. There are just so many things that can go wrong when you’re deep underwater pretending to be a fish.

By Jonathan Roseland

The city is a nice change of pace from the dreary capitals of Eastern Europe where I’ve been spending time.

The center of the city is quite clean and scenic with the beautiful Sava river, wide pedestrian streets, and elegant orthodox churches.

Berlin vs Medellín

Blog & Articles
By Jonathan Roseland

Liberal Epicenter vs Traditional Gender Roles Bastion

After years in the pickup Shangrila of Medellín, Colombia, I made a big move to Berlin, Germany, a city supposedly at the forefront of the decline of Western society. According to the manosphere, it’s the heart of the beast of European progressivism and feminism. I wrote about Berlin on Facebook:

“The liberal-hipster culture of the city is very politically correct but at the same time blase and apathetic. So I haven’t found many people I could really connect intellectually with… As far as the fairer sex; it’s a very diverse city with a ton of immigrants so you could definitely taste the rainbow here. However, Berlin is all about the "not giving a fuck" attitude, especially amongst young people, which means women are NOT very feminine in appearance or behavior.”

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