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Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

The traveler's trail is a boulevard of tragic stories of lost iPhones, Android devices that (like in their clever commercials) grew legs and ran away, pilfered ergonomic headphones, stolen laptops, absentee underwear, and, most seriously, misplaced passports.

Losing your stuff while traveling sucks, not only because of the inconvenience, stress, and replacement costs but, more importantly, because of the time it takes that could be spent enjoying travel, doing cool things, and connecting with interesting people. This article will present some bizarre memory systems, life hacks, and uncommon yet practical solutions for not losing your valuable stuff while traveling.

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

My adventures and misadventures living in and ultimately getting kicked out of Colombia...
Traveling through the San Blas Islands
Getting robbed by a pig in Capurgana
The beautiful women of Medellin
Dating a politician's daughter
Overstaying a tourist VISA
Starting a digital nomad business
Skinny dipping at a "Finca" party in the mountains
Going to a no phone/no clothes swingers party
Jonathan on Ayahuasca (Yage in Colombia)
Meditation and Dual N-Back Pro
Personal development, travel, and procrastination?
Caballo the Smart Drug for Cognitive Capital

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

Dionysus was the Greek god of…
Ritual madness
Religious ecstasy

To the sensible modern Western mind, one of the six words listed above may seem a little out of place — ReligiousWhen we hear the word religious, almost invariably we think sobering thoughts; we reflect on our personal experiences with these institutions and systems of morality.

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

About Romania, it is a Latin country in Eastern Europe, but they don’t have the Latin friendliness and zest for life. Neither do they seem to have the Eastern European work ethic or conservative values.

For several generations, Romania was under the thumb of this nutty dictator who wanted to turn it into an Eastern European version of North Korea. It took him 20 years but he managed to build the world’s heaviest building and the second largest building in the world. A few quirky insights and observations of mine that digital nomads and pickup artists will want to consider before booking a trip to Bucharest…

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

Jonathan was interviewed by Justin Jones on the Radical Travel Podcast on travel hacking, beating hangovers, and memory systems.

In this edition of Radical Travel, Justin Jones shares some of his favorite tips for traveling smarter, better, and cheaper. This week’s guest, Jonathan Roseland is a bio-hacking, life-hacking, and travel-hacking expert who runs the Limitless Mindset website and podcast, dedicated to teaching you how to live a better life. . He shares his tips for not losing things while traveling, not getting robbed, beating hangovers on the road, and getting free language lessons and dates from locals! This edition of Radical Travel is jam packed with awesome info, but if that’s not enough for you, check out the article on World Travel Buzz with even more Tips Tricks and Travel Hacks!

from webtalkradio.net

More travel hacks...

My #1 hangover cure for travelers - Coconuts!



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Get frequent free edifying content about Biohacking, Lifehacking, and my holistic pragmatic antifragility philosophy. This informative (and often entertaining!) Substack is about how to take advantage of the latest anti-aging and Biohacking science and where I dispense timely mindset nuggets, lifehacking tips, and my own musings.
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

As I write this I am closing in on a whole 60 days spent in Costa Rica and Panama. These are the lessons I've learned from living, working, socializing, and generally being hungover abroad...

Central America Vegabond

This suntan was totally worth the sunburns! Un gringo muy gaupo, No?

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

In a radical lifestyle experiment and self-control challenge, I spent over three and a half months completely sober in Medellin, Colombia.

In these +100 days, I experienced meteoric personal development in multiple dimensions. I also partied with some of the coolest, most interesting, and sexiest people I've ever met...

Love Tourism vs Sex Tourism

Blog & Articles
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

Men are irresistibly drawn, arguably thanks to evolutionary psychology, to travel to foreign lands and conquer sexually there. Many women travelers, applying the "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" logic, see travel as a time to let the inner slut out. Indeed, the prospect of hooking up with a curvaceous, exotic local, the sexy novelty of hearing lovemaking moans in a foreign accent, and living out our fantasies about having a French, Korean, Italian, English, or Brazilian partner are a big factor of the motivation to swipe our credit cards and go see the world.

This article will analyze the two ends of the spectrum and make the case that sex tourism is at its core unethical, harmful, and shameful while love tourism can be a beautiful cultural experience, more economical, and good adult fun.

Seducing Sofia (Bulgaria)

Blog & Articles
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

As a nomadic seducer, in Sofia, I got laid more, got paid more, established better friendships, and left with more good memories and lessons learned than the previous cities I spent equal time in.

As opposed to crediting this to Sofia itself (herself?) or some unquantifiable metaphysical influence or self-help principle, I know exactly why my time there was so productive in all the dimensions that are important to me. I No Fapped and No Boozed the majority of my time there, I completed 30 Days of No Fap and 90 Days of No Booze. abstaining from these two vices simultaneously really is a synergistic lifehack for productivity and happiness. For a man, these two habits really are symbiotic; when I’m No Fapping I’m way more motivated to go out, make friends and meet girls but No Fapping for this long requires serious discipline that is all but impossible if you are even a moderate social drinker.

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

I just finished this very entertaining and informative adventurer’s manifesto by Jon Levi, a behavioral scientist who likes to party.

This book follows the storytelling-rich principal, anecdote, scientific reference format that makes non-fiction a pleasure to read. The author has a formula for epic experiences…

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