Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil

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Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil

Brain Octane Oil is the top choice for reaching peak brain performance all day, especially during demanding tasks or during Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting.

18x Stronger Than Coconut Oil – For Maximum Cognitive Function!

Brain Octane Oil may provide the following benefits:

  • Fast Energy For the Brain – Brain Octane converts into energy faster than other fats or oils
  • Fuels a Starved Brain – Brain Octane delivers much needed ketones to fuel a starved brain that can no longer efficiently metabolize glucose for energy
  • Rebalancing of Yeast in Gut – Brings candida into balance, preventing it from introducing 120+ known toxins into your bloodstream
  • Does NOT Increase Cholesterol – Metabolized differently than other types of fat
  • Make Meals Bulletproof - Flavorless and easy to add into diet. Mix into any smoothie, soup, sushi, coffee or most recipes, for more intense mental activity
  • Easy Storage - No refrigeration required and liquid at room temperature
  • Replaces More Expensive Versions– Brain Octane Oil is only 25% the cost of weaker medium-chain triglyceride capsules

INVEST at least $300 in your own mind at the Bulletproof Store and get a Biohacking consultation

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Mind Power Products

Money back guarantee Buy Brain Octane™ Oil
1 bottle of Brain Octane™ Oil (32 fluid oz) $45.95
Suggested Use
Use Brain Octane to add to or replace other oils in your diet (but do not replace them completely). Start using Brain Octane one teaspoon at a time and increase slowly over several days. Use up to 1-3 tablespoons per day. Too much Brain Octane Oil, especially if consumed on an empty stomach, can result in loose stools or a stomachache.

Supplement or Drug

Contains medium-chain triglycerides from coconut and/or palm kernel


Money Back Guarantee
90-day money-back guarantee on Upgraded™ products!
Written Testimonials
51 Reviews on UpgradedSelf.com


How to Make Bulletproof® Coffee (The Official Video)
Podcast #151 - Uncovering the Science of MCTs & Bulletproofing Your Pets with Melinda Culver
Brain Octane vs. MCT Oil: A Definitive Guide
John Kiefer on MCT oil and Dave Asprey's Brain Octane oil

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