Why Nootropics?

Why Nootropics

Nootropic Mechanisms

Nootropic Ingredients Mechanisms

109 results - showing 71 - 80
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Nootropic Ingredients
This amino acid is a potent combatant of stress, which lowers cortisol while at the same time supporting cognitive function and aiding memory. Also, if you play golf (and want to play golf better) read on - Phosphatidylserine might just help you!
Nootropic Ingredients
Two questions I get a lot from people who are new to Biohacking and haven't yet tried smart drugs are... Which smart drugs actually work and have science behind them? Which Nootropic should I get started with? My answer to both questions is the same: Piracetam ...
Pramiracetam: The Rich Man’s Memory Enhancement Drug
Nootropic Ingredients
This cognitive enhancer has the highest lipophilic efficiency and is quite possibly the most powerful Racetam. One of the first studies on it suggested that Pramiracetam could be five to ten times stronger than normal Piracetam.
Nootropic Ingredients
Is Pterostilbene better than Resveratrol? Next time you’re at a dinner or cocktail party find a person sipping on a glass of red wine and say, I heard that red wine is healthy. And they will invariably respond, Yeah, thanks to Resveratrol!
Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ)
Nootropic Ingredients
On the extraterrestrial origin of PQQ From Dr. Lee Know's recent book From an evolutionary perspective , current evidence suggests PQQ is a component of interstellar dust , and since it’s been postulated that strong redox catalysts were required to trigger the earliest chemical evolutionary steps ,...
Nootropic Ingredients
This article is mostly going to focus on decoding what the human studies are saying about Quercetin and how this squares up with the anecdotal experiences of Biohackers online. For more of my own personal experiences, thoughts, and comparisons please see the written and video reviews in the sidebar. Ben Greenfield,...
Red Reishi
Nootropic Ingredients
This is a general-purpose Adaptogenic mushroom but it has a couple of defects as a Nootropic that the Eastern medicine men, hippie herbalists, and new age gurus are not telling you about...
Nootropic Ingredients
Pros vs Cons of Resveratrol - Should Biohackers take it? Contrary to what you may have been led to believe by 60 Minutes, CNN, and Dr. Oz, Resveratrol is NOT for everyone...
Nootropic Ingredients
This adaptogenic herbal stimulant has been used as an energy-boosting agent in Russia and China for centuries. It balances the autonomic nervous system, enhancing stress-management capacity along with empowering the immune system and combating fatigue. Having read a couple of books and innumerable studies about herbal adaptogens, I can name Rhodiola...
Schisandra Chinensis
Nootropic Ingredients
A delicious five-flavored Adaptogen that has been used for thousands of years to Biohack Yin and Yang. Schisandra Chinensis is a notable herbal cofactor that enables the body to process other supplements and drugs.
109 results - showing 71 - 80
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