Get a FREE Biohacking/Lifehacking Consultation

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.

For over 12 years I've been on an obsessive quest to find real-life NZT-48 - the "limitless" drug. I've tried over 200 smart drugs and Nootropics while studying the science of human performance enhancement and self-experimenting relentlessly with a bunch of weird and wacky personal development things.

My VERY FAVORITE part of my job as an Applied Neuroscience Strategist and professional Biohacker is doing one-on-one VOIP calls with folks, listening to what their challenges or goals are, and then usually I'm able to give them some crucial pieces to the puzzle for them to make a MAJOR breakthrough in their health, mindset, relationships, productivity, or mindset.
It's one of the few things that makes me feel truly alive and I'd like to do a call with YOU.

For over a decade I've offered free biohacking/lifehacking consultations to the readers of It's a way that I've made friends and connected with interesting people around the world and I'd like to do more free 30-minute consultations (they've been fruitful for me in a myriad of ways!)

A little about me...

About me

  • Happily married for 7 years to this beautiful Bulgarian girl (together we are unphotogenic but happy!)
  • American from Colorado, but I escaped tax slavery and have lived in 7 different countries.
  • Eccentric entrepreneur.
  • Anarcho-libertarian leaning and optimistic accelerationist.
  • Christian Transhumanist (yes, really).
  • Obsessive researcher: I spend +10 hours every week reading studies and the latest books about health, anti-aging, longevity, human performance enhancement, personal growth, and advanced mindset transformation.
  • Passionate about health, fitness, open-source software, history, free speech, and philosophy. 
  • I've written two books - a lifehacking manifesto and a guide for men to finding and seducing the enduring affections of a virtuous woman in modernity.

I'm not a doctor, not giving medical advice. I'm just a good listener who (naturally) sucks at life so I had to find the little-known lifehacks and Biohacks for creating a life of beauty, joy, freedom, and meaning.

Complete this form with some details about yourself (your goals/challenges) so that I can make the nuanced recommendations you need...

Apply for Breakthrough Consultation
All details you choose to share are absolutely confidential - you may record the call if you want

In case you're wondering...
On our call, I have nothing specific to pitch you. You'll make a new friend and get value out of this even if you have ZERO money to spend! But I am the internet's "smart drug dealer" so if you're interested in Nootropics and Biohacking I can clarify some things for you and save you time and money in trying things that might not be ideal for your goals.

I can only do about ten of these free consultations weekly, so if you're ready to break through a glass ceiling in your Biohacking, health, or personal growth, don’t hesitate – fill out the form today and we'll schedule a call sometime soon...

Apply for Breakthrough Consultation

Mainstream health/self-help gurus would NEVER do this. They worry that they would devalue their expertise by helping people with free consultations and couldn't charge coaching clients +$200/hour. Well, my expertise is clear to see here on Over 12 years, I've written hundreds of articles (some of exhaustive length and detail) about Biohacking, Nootropics, Biohacking, Longevity, advanced mindset transformation, and full-spectrum antifragility philosophy.

Again, these kinds of calls are always the highlight of my day, even if all we talk about is free Biohacks/lifehacks. So, if you take the time to fill out that form, thanks for giving me the opportunity to do what I love to do!


Join the Limitless Mindset Substack to...

Get frequent free edifying content about Biohacking, Lifehacking, and my holistic pragmatic antifragility philosophy. This informative (and often entertaining!) Substack is about how to take advantage of the latest anti-aging and Biohacking science and where I dispense timely mindset nuggets, lifehacking tips, and my own musings.

Watch this recent video...

Affiliate Links?

As you may have noticed this website contains affiliate links to products, supplements, and software programs. The small commissions we receive from sales of these products allow us to commit the time necessary to thoroughly researching which products are credible and will give you the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to upgrading your mind.

We have a strict philosophy of only endorsing or recommending products that we've found really work to help you upgrade your mind.

Thank you, sincerely, for your support!

Review or Affiliate Inquiries

We're eager to hear about new biohacking products, technologies, and quality supplements. I do review, write, and vlog about products that I think are worth the consideration of the 15,000 - 20,000 savvy health consumers that visit my site monthly and my 2000 newsletter subscribers.

I have some standards and specific things that I look for in the products I'd like to use myself and might recommend here on Please submit this form with a little more information about your offering.

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  • All trademarks, logos, and service marks displayed are registered and/or unregistered Trademarks of their respective owners.
  • Reproduction in whole or in any form without express written permission is prohibited.
  • This is not medical advice.
  • The content on this website is for entertainment purposes.
  • These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
  • These products are not intended to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease.

Website by Roseland Digital