Dual N-Back training on your Android

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.

How to use the most scientifically credible Dual N-Back training app to gain up to 20 IQ points in 20 days.

I'm Jonathan with Limitless Mindset, coming to you from a hammock because this is my favorite place to do my Dual N-back training...

About HighIQPro...

About HighIQPro

 If you've never used Dual N-Back training software before there are a few things you should know about it...

  • Dual N-Back training is a game you play on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, and compared with the vast majority of other video games out there Dual N-Back training is boring to play. You don't play it for fun, you play it because you want to become a genuinely more intelligent, more productive person.
  • When you first start using Dual N-Back training you are going to be bad at it. The first one or two training sessions you do will be somewhat frustrating because you will be downright terrible at remembering what N-back position the block was in previously. However, around the 2nd or 3rd Dual N-Back session you will start to get the hang of it and score 100% accuracy with your training.
  • So before you download HighIQPro you have to make a little bit of commitment to quantifiably improving your mind. The commitment is 1 training session of 20 minutes daily for 20 days and you will see an improvement of at least 10-20 IQ points.
  • Some biohackers have reported gaining as much as 2.75 IQ Points per hour spent training. Like athletic training, Dual N-Back training can become enjoyable after you've gotten good at it, but in the very beginning, it's boring hard work.
Category: Software & Apps

So of course the important question everyone has is...

Does Dual N-Back training actually increase your real-world intelligence, or do you just get better at the game? How do IQ increases translate into being more productive or happier in real life?

There have been two landmark studies conducted on the software version of Dual N-Back...

Does excessive memory load attenuate activation in the prefrontal cortex? Load-dependent processing in single and dual tasks: functional magnetic resonance imaging study, done at the University of Bern, Switzerland. From the abstract:

Our results show that during both single and dual tasks, prefrontal activation increases continuously as a function of memory load.

The relationship between n-back performance and matrix reasoning — implications for training and transfer, done at the University of Michigan. Let's read the abstract from the University of Michigan study:

We investigated transfer effects on working memory capacity and fluid intelligence comparing the two training groups' performance to controls who received no training of any kind. Our results showed that both training groups improved more on fluid intelligence than controls, thereby replicating and extending our prior results.

What is fluid intelligence?

fluid intelligence

This is the ability of our mind to respond intelligently to novel challenges and situations so this translates into things like learning new languages, acquiring new skill sets, accelerated learning, and dealing with high-pressure situations.

  • What these studies found was that Dual N-Back Training also increases Executive Functioning. Executive Functioning means you have improved willpower, self-control, and laser-like focus when you need it. This is because Dual N-Back trains your mind to purposeful ignore irrelevant information while focusing intently on specific audio-visual information.
  • How would you like to be able to focus more at work while ignoring distractions? What about having stores of willpower that motivate you to exercise consistently? Or rock-solid self-control to say no to unhealthy food or bad habits? These are the kinds of real-world results that Dual N-Back training aficionados report.

An equally important question is: what happens when I stop playing the game?

The good news is that if you are training using the "Rehearsal Method" which we will explain later in this video your mind will adopt the mechanisms of action from Dual N-Back. These biohacker training graphs show how a Dual N-Back trainee took 8 months off playing the game and upon resuming took only 5 days to reach their original high score.

Order HighIQPro

When you purchase HighIQPro you will get an APK download link in your email.

  • This will automatically install HighIQPro on your Android device.
  • If haven't taken an IQ test recently click the blue question mark icon in the upper right of the screen. This will open a page that will give you instructions on where to take a credible online IQ test so you can track your progress with brain training.

So let me show you now how the game is played...

  1. Start by creating an account and selecting game mode.
  2.  There are two game modes: Visual and Audio. Dual N-Back training is when you train in both game modes simultaneously, this is very challenging but it builds your intelligence the fastest. To avoid being overwhelmed I recommend starting in visual Mode.
  3. Your first session will usually be 2-Back, this means that you need to press the visual match key on the right when the block is in the same position it was 2 movements before. So you will have to watch very carefully and keep track of the positions the colored block was in previous to its current position. Let's play a short session together now.
  4. Now let's check out Audio mode, listen to the sequence of the letters, and try to keep track of what letters were stated previously.
  5. When you've scored 95%-100% in both the audio and visual 2-Back modes it's time to give yourself a real challenge and combine them for Dual N-Back.
  6. As you sharpen your working memory you will score higher and higher accuracy scores and progress to higher N-back levels, some life hackers train as high as 9-back.

A few other tips

For getting the most out of your Dual N-Back training...

  • Once you gain competence with Dual N-Back training you'll find yourself employing various strategies during your training sessions. Many people employ a chunking or betting strategy, meaning that if the block appeared on the right side of the screen in the recent past and it reappears on the right side of the screen then they press the visual match key since there's a higher statistical likelihood that it's an N-back spatial match. Other people employ an attentional strategy where instead of recalling where it was they just focus very intently on where it is now and allow their unconscious to prompt them of N-Back matches.
  • Both of these strategies are sloppy, now like we said before the ultimate goal of Dual N-back training is to gain intelligence that you can apply in your real life. The strategy that most reliably builds actual real-world intelligence is 'Rehearsal' - this means that you mentally rehearse the specific N-Back position and sounds you observed most recently.
  • This forces your conscious mind to increase the amount of information it stores simultaneously, effectively increasing the "RAM" of your mind.
  • Get the Coach.me app, this is the best habit-tracking app out there, and add the brain training habit.
Category: Apps & Software

What is the best time of the day to do your Dual N-Back training?

  • Here at Limitless Mindset, we promote a philosophy of compartmentalizing your life into three different time zones that don't overlap each other. The first timezone is work; the time we spend intensely focused on business, our jobs, our careers, or our schooling. The second timezone is time we spend enjoying the life we are working so damn hard for, this is time spent with friends, family, or at the gym - this is time we try to spend away from glowing screens. The third time zone is the time we devote to becoming the best of ourselves. Try to physically remove yourself from your workplace and go somewhere more relaxing. I find that the third time zone is a great time to relax and spend 20 minutes on Dual N-Back training.
  • Another thing I like about Dual N-Back training on Android is that the App has a black background screen. This means that if you are practicing in the evening your eyes and circadian rhythm are saved from the bright glowing screen.

Update: There's a better Dual N-Back app out, that would be Dual N-Back Pro - check out my biohacker review of it here...


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