The End of the “Golden Age” of Dating Abroad…

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

Gents, if you’re imagining that one day you might settle down with or marry a beautiful, feminine, family-minded foreign woman, understand that the curtain is being drawn on the opportunity to geo-arbitrage your sexual market value as a Western man in a poorer country.

Storytime: He paid $30,000 to get laid in LATAM


The broad strokes of a pathetic story I heard from my brother about an old friend of mine, who I lost touch with, his loss (in a major way!) Back when we used to be clubbin' buddies, he had a disastrous (yet effective) pickup line, he would approach the hottest girl, dolled up in the club, and tell her, "I'm Derek, and I can afford you." He was a good-looking, stylish, confident guy with all the swagger of a hundred rappers, and the ladies in the club found this line less offensive than you might think. Unsurprisingly, he dated some beautiful yet shallow and dramatic women - one of them vandalized the convertible top of his BMW once, I recall.

More recently, he met a sexy Colombian girl online. And she had a lot of financial needs, over the course of their online romance he sent her $30,000 - $800 there for a new iPhone, $1000 there for a medical emergency, $500 there for a flight ticket and a promise to come to visit him in the US - it ads up! Unlike a lot of romance scam victims, he actually got a little action for the avalanche of cash he sent her way. He visited her in Colombia and had sex with her once. He then discovered that she was married to a Colombian guy, this was just the hustle this couple ran to enjoy the high life there.

What really makes me shake my head about this story is that he knew I lived in Colombia for years and enjoyed dating the women there. He could have at any point just called me and asked: Hey Jonathan, I know you know a thing or two about Colombian girls. I met this girl online who I really like, but she is always asking me for money and I haven't even met her in person yet. Does she sound legit? And I would have saved him a small fortune that he could have spent going on a thousand dates with Colombian girls, getting married and starting a family, funding his son's college fund, expatriating from the US to free himself from tax slavery, or buying a respectable farm there in coffee country.

Don't Stick Your Dick in a Blender

In my book for men, I have an exhaustive chapter on the topic of dating and marrying exotic foreign women. As a single dude in the USA, UK, Canada, or Australia you’ve probably heard about (or experienced for yourself) what an upgrade foreign women can be from modern “Western women”…

Foreign women are more feminine and elegant — they actually dress like women!
Foreign women are beautiful and skinny. They even age more gracefully.
Foreign women aren’t as shallow, materialistic, nihilistic, narcissistic, and entitled as Western women.
Foreign women are friendlier and more receptive, they’re excited to meet and date me just because I’m from a “1st world” country.
Foreign women aren’t so brainwashed by feminism and political correctness.
Younger foreign women look up to and are more willing to date older men.
Foreign women, ultimately, make better girlfriends, wives, and mothers.

If you go to the right countries and focus on the right kinds of women, these stereotypes are pretty accurate. I end each chapter of my book with a photo of something delicious my wife lovingly made in the kitchen to drive home the point of how great it is every day to have a real woman in your life…

The bad news is that the golden age of dating abroad is ending.

In the chapter on dating abroad, I break down why the opportunity is sunsetting for an “average Joe” like you to fly into Colombia, Ukraine, or the Philippines meet a beautiful, family-minded young lady and get married. If you procrastinate for another 5–10 years in your mission to get a great woman in your life while you “focus on your career” I suspect that you’ll eventually find that the girls in Colombia, Ukraine, and Philipines are disappointingly similar to the girls in California, Melbourne, and Liverpool as globalism makes everywhere more like everywhere else. If you see yourself getting married one day to an elegant, traditionally-minded foreign woman, I urge you not to put it off for another few years! From the chapter…

I sometimes (half) joke that in 20 years I’ll have a son, he’ll be a young adult ready to go off into the world and meet exotic (to him) girls. But by the year 2040, even the girls of Colombia and Ukraine will be purple-haired, liberal, feminist, mental health cases. I’ll have to sit him down and say…

Son, I know that you want a traditionally-minded girl, I taught you to disregard these foolish liberal girls who are good for sex and nothing else. And it’s become damn near impossible to find real conservative girls here where we live. But, good news, I’ve found an impoverished little Belarussian village named Romanovka in the middle of nowhere near the border with Ukraine. According to my demographic analysis, there’s an abundance of young women there and all the young men have moved away because there are no jobs. Fortunately, the village NEVER got the internet and the Chernobyl fallout blocks the 5G signals so, just imagine, there are farmers’ daughters there who have just read their Bibles and tended to farm duties their whole lives, instead of becoming Instahoes. You’ll have to hike through the Chernobyl exclusion zone to reach the town as there’s no highway connecting it to the rest of the world. I’ll give you plenty of Potassium Iodide so you’ll hopefully survive the radiation, but you’ll also face terrifying mutant bears and wolves in those woods. It will be a harrowing journey, but Romanovka is the last place on this planet that has any beautiful, decent illiberal women left, the farmers’ daughters may be slightly irradiated but still better than dating a modern woman, they’ll practically be lining up for the chance to marry you and bear your children!

The final point I hope to drive home is, if you want a great woman as your partner in life, stop procrastinating. Between 2008–2012 when I lived in Denver, Colorado I went out to nightclubs weekly and I met shockingly few women who were even girlfriend-material. In 2017, I was fortunate to meet a marriageable girl in a nightclub in Sofia, Bulgaria. The marriageable girl is a rare bird being pushed to extinction. The longer you wait the harder it’s going to get to find one and the further you are going to have to go. Globalism is doing its damndest to poison every single decent young lady on this planet with toxic industrial chemicals that will make her fat and with toxic liberalism that will make her insufferable. Don’t wait until Romanovka, Belarus is the last place left to go to find an attractive traditionally-minded girl!

What else is in the chapter

  • I list +30 countries with beautiful, elegant, women that you should consider visiting instead of not-so-boldly-going where thousands and thousands of other men go every year to pick up chicks; Colombia, Ukraine, Thailand, and the Philippines.
  • What kind of guys will do well dating abroad and what kinds of guys will totally strike out and end up just getting scammed.
  • I explain how to meet decent, genuine foreign girls, without wasting a ton of time and money.
  • How, counter-intuitively, your financial or career success holds you back from finding love. Dating abroad on a tight budget forces you to date smarter (might save you from being the next guy to pay $30,0000 to get laid once!)
  • How to avoid the scammers, whores, gold-diggers, and “blenders” who will take advantage of you.
  • Navigating the minefield of multicultural relationships.
  • The truth about language barriers.
  • I debunk the number #1 lie that you’re told about foreign women, often by the men of their own country.
  • Waiting till marriage to have sex? How to date abroad anyway…
  • The number #1 mistake guys commonly make when using dating websites and apps to meet foreign girls.
  • I don’t promote any of those shady marriage agency websites or “love tours,” I explain why these are, almost categorically, time-wasting scams.
  • A practical guide to doing your own DIY love tour.

I’ve had a couple of people who saw the book cover when I first shared it on social media tell me something to the effect of…

Stay in your lane, Jonathan. Stick to writing about the Nootropics and Biohacking stuff. Stay away from dating and relationships, the whole subject is a total minefield!

I get this sentiment, I could have just stuck to the relatively inoffensive subject of Nootropics and antiaging, but when I think about what’s drastically improved my life in the past few years, it’s being a real relationship with a real woman! It’s what I wish for any decent man.

On vacation in Primorsko on Bulgaria's Black Sea coast

I'm now happily married to a beautiful Bulgarian girl and doing the nomadic seducer thing is SO FAR from my interests. But I re-share this sort of content because, as I explain in my $9 book (+audiobook) for single men, the opportunity is sunsetting to date, seduce, and marry beautiful feminine exotic women. You're now demonized as a "passport bro" for doing so in the West and increasingly abroad as well. Globalism is making everywhere like everywhere else.


The Russia-Ukraine war is going to be making more and more of Eastern Europe a no-go zone. I remember once upon a time, meeting the prettiest girls, eager to practice their English, at a beachside salsa club in Odesa, I can only imagine what it's like now there.

Dancing under the moonlight: where the only thing smoother than the moves is the vodka!

Oh, and don't be like this naive (and now SAD) dude who spent a small fortune sending money to his Ukrainian fiance, rescuing her from the war, and then she cheated and left him...

The best time to go abroad and enjoy the refreshing femininity that illiberalism produces was about 10 years ago and the second best time is... well, you know the expression!


You’ll want to listen to this podcast, The TRUTH about Dating and Marrying Exotic Foreign Women — Is it for you? A witty and in-depth discussion with my wife about Western men dating abroad, seeking asylum from modernity with the unashamedly feminine women that can be found in Medellin, Colombia, Odesa, Ukraine, or Sofia, Bulgaria where we live...


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