3 WEIRD bathroom habits that make you a better lover…

3 WEIRD bathroom habits that make you a better lover…

Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland

I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinkingYou should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.

Gents, I hope you’re not so naive as to believe that your lovemaking skills don’t make a difference in the quality of relationship that you can enjoy…

I also hope you’re not so naive as to think that there’s no room for improvement in your lovemaking skills and that your woman couldn’t find a better lover.

Don't Stick Your Dick in a BlenderThe subtitle from my book for men is…

How to meet a nice girl instead — from a tantric husband with a better sex life than you!

Tantric practice is how you up your sex game.

If you want a woman to treat you like a king, you’re going to need to spike her Oxytocin — the love hormone — which you could do the way I did by actually taking exogenous Oxytocin with my wife but it’s a lot more fun to do it the old fashioned way, making sure she orgasms during sex. If your woman experiences more orgasms than she’s accustomed to with you, Oxytocin will make her quite addicted to you.

You may think that you’re pretty good at sex but you can get a lot better by habituating a tantric practice; this entails…

  • Strengthening your pubococcygeus (PC) muscle by doing Kegels.
  • Practicing the Taoist breathing techniques.
  • Practicing masturbating (WITHOUT porn) and holding back from ejaculating, we call this self-cultivation.

Tantra may sound like wu-wu eastern spiritual nonsense but it has really made a difference for me, so I recommend it enthusiastically. Several years ago before I learned this stuff I seduced an 18-year-old-girl in Kyiv; I had been no fapping for some time and came after about 5 minutes of her riding me cowgirl. She was unimpressed and not interested in seeing me again in huge contrast to my experiences having attained some competence with tantric semen retention methods.

Maidan square

Oddly enough, your bathroom habits can make you a better lover who enjoys Tantric full-body orgasms…

  • learning tantraWait to pee longer than what’s comfortable. When you feel the inclination to urinate, wait like another 30 minutes until you really need to go.
  • Do Kegels while you pee; unleash your stream, then cut it off, hold it for a few seconds, release it, and repeat 3–4 times until you’re drained. Which will exercise your PC muscle. The Taoist gurus recommend standing on your tippy-toes while doing this.
  • Practice extra anal contraction while you defecate. When you have to go number two, focus on your anal contractions, and repeat them more often than you do usually. Exercising this sphincter contraction makes a difference in achieving male multi-orgasmic ability.

There are 9 tantric techniques that will take you about 20 days to become competent with, mastery of these 9 techniques is the stargate through which you will experience the best sex of your life. My book has two chapters (+10,000 words) delving deep into the Tantric techniques, breaking them down completely…



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