230 results - showing 201 - 210
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SulforaBoost® by Do Not Age
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
Biohacker Review: Broccoli in a pill? For years, as a Biohacker, I've been a voracious consumer of broccoli -  the way I do broccoli is awesomely nutritious and delicious (although eating broccoli won't get you blowjobs, sorry guys!) So I was keen to try Sulforaphane, which I heard described as broccoli in a pill. ...
Sun Chlorella Organic Eleuthero
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
No jitters. No sleepless nights.With the natural energy you get from Organic Sun Eleuthero, you don't pay the price like you do with caffeine and other stimulants. Organic Sun Eleuthero gives you the nourishing energy of the adaptogen eleuthero. And now with organic certification, it's better than ever. New. Now certified organic and non-GMO. Gives you safe, healthy, natural...
Sunifiram by Intellimeds
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
Biohacker Review: Not an outstanding effect I did as much as 50 milligrams once along with Tyrosine, ALCAR, and Bulletproof coffee and while I was in a good focused mood for about 5 hours I was pretty underwhelmed - the Sunifiram didn't have an outstanding effect. I took it...
Theacrine by Double Wood
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
Theacrine is an energy and focus-boosting supplement that works in a similar way to caffeine. Its primary advantage is that a tolerance to its effects builds at a much slower pace. While a caffeine tolerance begins to set in after only a few days of use, studies have shown no formation in tolerance to Theacrine even...
Tianeptine [Biohacker Reviews]
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
Biohacker Review: A happiness-hacking antidepressant (but not for stoics) The anecdotal reports of Tianeptine led me to believe that it's an antidepressant with cumulative effects. So I've been taking two little capsules of Tianeptine a day and it's a pretty subtle effect but I think I like it, although I didn't experience...
Tiger Milk Mushroom
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
Biohacker Review: I had to try it because its funny name made me smirk In the chilly early days of January this year, I started taking capsuled Tiger Milk Mushroom. It's the newest edition to my stack of wintertime immune enhancers; Turkey Tail, Vitamin D3, and Methylene Blue. Experientially, I don't have much to...
TMG by Do Not Age
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
Tongkat Ali Extract by Double Wood
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
Tongkat Ali, also known as Eurycoma Longifolia Jack, Malaysian Ginseng, or Longjack, is an herb that has been found to work as a moderate pro-fertility agent and aphrodisiac. In addition to its pro-fertility effects, studies have shown Tongkat to both reduce stress and to improve one's mood and sense of well-being. Our product...
Tribulus Terrestris by Double Wood Supplements
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
An aphrodisiacal Ayurvedic herb for upgrading male awesomeness. It's the subject of over 30 human clinical studies which validate its use supporting sexual health in men and women. Although in my expierence, it's not as experientially acute as the other libido-supporting herbs I've experimented with in my sexhacking. ...
TRU NIAGEN® — Nicotinamide Riboside
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
Nicotinamide riboside is the most easily absorbed precursor for NAD+, an important coenzyme that can reduce aging, support mitochondrial health, and even protect against DNA damage. Pure Nootropics nicotinamide riboside provides licensed and manufactured TRU NIAGEN® NR using rigorous, patented manufacturing for guaranteed quality. Reduces inflammation & oxidative stress (reference) Delays the death...
230 results - showing 201 - 210
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