79 results - showing 11 - 20
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Brain Science Podcast
Dr. Ginger Campbell, an experienced emergency physician explores how recent discoveries in neuroscience are unraveling the mysteries of how our brain makes us who we are. +80 episodes of brain science and neuroscience content.
Come and Take It: The Gun Printer's Guide to Thinking Free
Book Review: Disseminating a dangerous degree of freedom This book is a hybrid between a manifesto and a memoir of this young Texan who invented the 3D-printed gun. I liked this book because it lays bare the unique American philosophy, this review will comment on that philosophy and...
Don't Stick Your Dick in a Blender: How to meet a nice girl instead - from a tantric husband with a better sex life than you!
How to meet a nice girl instead - from a tantric husband with a better sex life than you! Women are dangerous. Good, yet naive, men routinely wreck their lives because they “stick their dick in a blender” — having sex with the wrong kinds of women. STDs, unplanned pregnancies, false accusations, mental health headcases, and...
East of Eden by Jon Steinbeck
The classic American novel about the shades of grey of human nature grasping at free will while striving toward the future. The book opens with a moving description of the Salinas Valley, California from the era when it was a frontier of North America being settled by pioneering folk. ...
EMF*D: 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself
You've probably heard before that the EMFs from smartphones, Wifi, and blazing-fast 5G networks are dangerous to your health. You've also probably heard that this is just a "crazy conspiracy theory" and that all this wireless radiation is fine. EMF*D thoroughly breaks down the real science on this controversial issue, it's the...
Fast This Way: Burn Fat, Heal Inflammation, and Eat Like the High-Performing Human You Were Meant to Be
Book Review: The edifying economic biohack (that you may not be getting right...) I've been fasting for years, in fact, it's a major economic lifehack, so I decided to read Dave Asprey's recent deep-dive book on the topic, Fast This Way. The book is a bit of a memoir actually, it's...
Flip the Script: Getting People to Think Your Idea Is Their Idea
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland
Book Review: Script the flip for the win! Once upon a time, I was sitting in a cafe in Medellin, Colombia sipping the smoothest coffee you can imagine and just hoping that my internet connection would be fast enough for the call I had scheduled with a...
Flyboy by Anthony Metivier
Thrills & Chills As A Terrifying New Criminal Forces A Struggling Detective To Think & Remember Better Than Sherlock Holmes... After years working his beat under dreary skies, early cognitive decline is starting to drag on Detective David Williams. When a serial killer the police nickname ‘Flyboy’ learns of Williams’ checkered past, the...
Food Forensics: The Hidden Toxins Lurking in Your Food and How You Can Avoid Them for Lifelong Health
An eye-opening expose of the epidemic of toxic food and a guide to biological redemption. This is a dense science book (+900 scientific footnotes) that thoroughly validates the concerns of the health-conscious about food toxicity. If you think that alarm over toxins in food (and a lot of other things we...
Free Speech Isn't Free: How 90 Men Stood Up Against The Globalist Establishment -- And Won
Book Review: Why human nature is antithetical to human rights... This book begins with a treatise on free speech by Quintus Curtius, he makes the point that we assume incorrectly that society will just get better and better. We assume that we will just become freer and freer, we...
79 results - showing 11 - 20
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