79 results - showing 21 - 30
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Game by Roosh V
A comprehensive game textbook for the modern seducer from the Internet's most infamous (former) pickup artist. I've read and followed Roosh V for some time, I don't agree with him on everything but I've had a similar path of personal development and find him very insightful. ...
Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar
Book Review: Glucose diet hacking is a game-changer! My wife told me over dinner not long ago "You know you shouldn't eat your salad last, it's a lot healthier to eat the salad first and then the protein or carbs." That didn't make sense to me, it all ends up in the...
Lifehacker Review: Goldmoney Deleted My Gold! Update: Goldmoney is often called a scam, is it?  I had a Goldmoney holding for over a year. I was happy with it up until recently. I have a popular website and Youtube...
Head Strong: The Bulletproof Plan to Activate Untapped Brain Energy to Work Smarter and Think Faster-in Just Two Weeks
This book makes the case that optimizing your mitochondria is the ultimate performance-enhancing Biohack because mitochondria are the fundamental energy generation mechanism that underlies everything else. Mitochondria are billions of tiny, ancient bacteria that power your individual cells. You've probably heard of them before, I'll explain more in-depth later what Mitochondria are...
Hourglass: A science fiction novel - Not For Sex Addicts - about seduction, biohacking & philosophy
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland
Gents, I've been working on a science fiction novel that you're really going to enjoy - about seduction, biohacking, social dynamics, and philosophy - with a very provocative working title - Not For Sex Addicts. Ladies: I joyfully devote myself to loving a woman and I read...
How to Be Cross Eyed [Second Edition]
My mémoire and lifehacking manifesto... How to Be Cross Eyed: Thriving Despite Your Physical Imperfection There's that moment when you meet a new person and you can tell that they are just a bit disoriented by your weirdness. You feel that familiar little pang of embarrassment and shame because you know how weird you must look...
If You're in My Office, It's Already Too Late: A Divorce Lawyer's Guide to Staying Together
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland
Book review: A How-NOT-to Marriage Manual You can learn a lot about marriage from the way at least half of them end and this book, by a practicing New York divorce attorney, should be required reading for committed couples. Given the author's 20-year professional experience, it's a...
In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message
A BRIEF REVIEW OF THE WORK - By Lawton Brown For the still relatively few in the world who have objectively examined the Grail Message “In the Light of Truth”, this unique work provides the earnest seeker of Truth with the most comprehensive explanations and insights into all the key issues pertaining to human life and to...
The Immortality Institute (aka Longecity.org forum) is the most popular online community of Biohackers and transhumanists. Their mission is to end the blight of involuntary death. If you've ever wondered if there was a scientific community online where you can get your difficult questions answered and get respectful yet critical feedback...
Magicians of the Gods
Book Review: Atlantis existed. Graham Hancock’s Magicians of the Gods presents a very methodical argument for a lost civilization. I’ll summarize what I think is Hancock’s strongest argument for Atlantis: Around the globe; from the pyramids of Egypt...
79 results - showing 21 - 30
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