229 results - showing 81 - 90
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Kava Kava Supplement 1,000mg per Serving, 120 Capsules (High Purity Potent 3-5% Kavalactones Root Extract) by Double Wood
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
Double Wood Supplements in the USA offer lab-tested Kava Kava capsuled, for your convenience!
Kraken Kratom
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
American Kratom Association Certified GMP Kratom one-stop-shop Offering a wide selection of powdered Kratom, capsuled and tea. Notable products... Maeng Da Thai Kratom Powder (White Vein) Maeng Da Thai Kratom Powder (Yellow Vein) NEW Full Spectrum Kratom Extract (FST) ...
Kratom Review
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
Biohacker Review: A blunt performance enhancer I'll compare it to Racetams and other smart drugs I've tried, which is not exactly an apples-to-apples comparison but I think it will be helpful to a lot of people reading this.
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
A value leading source of +9 Kratom strains.
Neptune Krill Oil (NKOĀ®) Softgels by Pure Nootropics
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
Pure Nootropics Krill Oil provides cognitive and heart benefits and helps with joint pain: A great source of Omega 3ā€™s (DHA & EPA) and Astaxanthin. Cognitive: Shown to increase cognitive function in elderly men (reference) Cognitive: Increased cognitive function and anti-depressant like effects in healthy humans (ref), and rats (ref)...
L-Theanine by Nootropics Depot
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
What is L-Theanine? First discovered as a constituent of green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis) in 1949, L-Theanine is an amino acid analogue of the proteinogenic amino acids L-glutamate and L-glutamine. L-Theanine is considered a nondietary amino acid, not unlike L-Ornithine or L-Citrulline. L-Theanine is primarily known for its ability to promote relaxation without causing sleep and is often paired...
L-Theanine by Micro Ingredients
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
Biohacker Review: L-Theanine gives my creative process wings to soar If you are a creative type L-Theanine is worth your attention. Bloggers, authors, and especially ad copywriters should know that L-Theanine is a promoter of Catchyismismism - a word I invented, its definition: Ad copy that is soaking wet...
L-Tyrosine by Intellimeds
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
Editor's Biohacker Review: Aminos in the morning! In the last few days, I've been taking L-Tyrosine (900 milligrams) with ALCAR in the mornings. So far I've noticed a little of an energizing effect but it doesn't really compare to Racetams. I decided to take a break from coffee, which...
LifePak Nano
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
"I wake up in the morning with NO grogginess" my friend Keith reports in his Biohacker review A proprietary innovation in anti-aging protection with advanced bioavailability and maximum benefits. LifePak Nano is designed to be the most scientifically advanced anti-aging supplement for adults.
LifeWave X39ā„¢
Nootropics & Anti-Aging
My friend Yogi Blair has been using, researching, and is very enthusiastic about this stem cell biohack. What follows is his experience with LifeWave's X39. Reading his grandiose, poetic words describing his transformative experience, I wouldn't blame you for being a little skeptical and thinking, This sounds like yet another placebo-effect dependant product! And I might agree with you, science...
229 results - showing 81 - 90
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