The blog (featuring some seriously actionable articles of exhaustive length) on everything from biohacking, smart drugs, and mind hardware to anti-aging, social dynamics, and philosophy.
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland |
I'm not a doctor, medical professional, or trained therapist. I'm a researcher and pragmatic biohacking practitioner exercising free speech to share evidence as I find it. I make no claims. Please practice skepticism and rational critical thinking. You should consult a professional about any serious decisions that you might make about your health. Affiliate links in this article support Limitless Mindset - spend over $150 and you'll be eligible to join the Limitless Mindset Secret Society.
Today I wrote about May...
A month I’ve always loved not just because it’s the month of my birth but because it’s the month when (in the northern latitudes, at least) spring ceases its teasing. The changing of the seasons reminds us that life is profoundly cyclical. A sense of optimism has always infused my being as the snow melts away, the sky’s gloomy grayness retreats, and the green leaves of the trees bud. Spring also urges us to seize the moment; as a glorious summer beckons, we’re compelled to drink deeply of the sunny joys of life as the chilly fingers of winter yet stroke the backs of our necks.
In this podcast, I hope to share some much-needed optimism with you - I explain in an epic rant, why I'm white-pilled about the future.
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland |
Do you feel scorned (perhaps even slightly betrayed) by your partner's insufficient support of your creative endeavors?
This person, who you share your life with, professes to be totally committed to you yet they just aren't all that enthusiastic about the creative work that may be the first thing on your mind every morning and the last thing that consumes your thoughts before sleep. You have a grand vision for the book, music, art, or other creative project that you're in the process of delivering which will deeply impact your audience yet this person who loves you seems more interested in the banal things of life. They don't care to read your book, they can't be bothered to leave a like on your (hoping it goes viral!) social media post sharing your art, or when you unveil to them your latest creation, the only feedback they can muster is "looks good."
Ⓒ By Jonathan Roseland |
Many decent, ambitious men, given the state of the sexual marketplace, choose to just focus on their careers. They imagine that in just a few years, when they’re making good money and can afford to status signal a little with a fancy apartment, shiny car, or fly clothes then they will take the dating thing seriously. Their dream girl will appear, swoon at the sight of all their cool shit, and they will live happily ever after together.
In this review, I'll tell you about my subjective experience with Turkey Tail and break down the recent science that has been done on this mushroom of mythological repute.
Your doctor, Google, the CDC, the NHS, and Planned Parenthood will tell you "there's no cure for HPV" - you're screwed for life, you dirty slut, you! But, good news, some high-quality evidence from recent scientific trials suggests that putting an embarrassing case of HPV or even a (potentially life-threatening) case of cervical cancer behind you might not take invasive surgery, antiviral drugs, or lifelong medical treatment from the pharmaceutical-hospital industrial complex.
Recently I've reacquainted myself with Tyrosine in the N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (NALT) form, from Here I'll tell you a little about its subjective effects and will summarize the recent science done on this well-established Nootropic.
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